Chapter 127: Poker Game

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Chapter 127: Poker Game

Earlier Chronos was sure that there's a possibility for Rex telling a lie. But now, he wasn't sure if the plan to trust anything Rex was going to tell him is a reasonable option as well.

The World Nobles, at least the [Nobles Council], all knew that Terroa is the [key] to advancing their civilization's technologies and hastening their rise to the Type-02 classification of their civilization.

(AN: see Vol.7–Ch.122)

Although Project Salvation is known to a very few select people upon a certain extent, the true and genuine purpose of the project was only known to him and Goldwyn.

He trusted Goldwyn's desperation and knew that he wouldn't be the one pulling Rex's strings so he thought that perhaps one of the Nobles Council is the one pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Still, for such an act, knowing the possible wrath of Chronos and the pact they are openly violating, it was too shallow of a reason as to why they will risk obliteration just for the sake of mere in-game Historical Artifacts from Terroa.

On the other hand, considering the possibility of real-world application of the game's NanoTech, it still does NOT actually fall under the classification of the in-game NanoTech being treasures of the "historical" importance.

If so, then it lands to only one thing.

Rex was just messing with him. And yet, before he could throw into a massive fit of anger, when he saw Rex's scan data, he found out that Rex was actually telling the truth.

This further confused the old man. His face was frozen stiff and he felt both shock and anger that he was actually leaning on believing the boy than to doubt him and think of this all as mere lies.

Alas, before the full implementation of the (true) [Project Salvation], Chronos still doesn't have any power to be able to control Rex and squeeze the truth out of this impudent boy's mouth.

He could only stay neutral and believe nothing. It was the safest bet. But if he chooses this then he was bound to enact punishment for Rex Kingsley for the sake of his dignity as Family Head of one of the Five Great Clans, as well as saving the face of the World Nobles, in accordance to his earlier statement: Rex must be punished for touching a World Noble's subordinate Duke House.

They wanted his and his cohorts' deaths —as this was the only equivalent of their trampled pride.

But to him and Goldwyn, however, that was just a show, a way to put pressure to Rex, to stimulate his growth, to show more results as reference for the sake of the final result of their (true) [Project Salvation].

Thinking of this, Chronos decided to stick with the earlier agreed plan: Rex's punishment will be connected to this night's Grand Event.

He must "entertain" them all.

This way, not only Rex would show results of his "modification" to the two old coots, his struggle and his explanation to why Rex wasn't killed will appease the Council and not let them dig deeper into the true aims of his Abraxas Family as well as the Goldwyn Familia.

"I feel like you're making fun of us, Mr. Kingsley, that you're not even taking me seriously."

Rex put more effort in not laughing as he pulled out his best poker face and said, "I am telling the truth, sir. They said that my revenge and all their goals are connected to Terroa so I was ordered to create as much chaos in Terroa as I can while I collect Historical Treasures. After that, they will then give me clues to the person responsible for the fate of my family. It is as simple as that."

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