Chapter 121: The Sinister Old Men

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Author's Notes:
Ah, well, I won't mince words here. You know, I'm in a crisis.

The pressure is great over this side.

Our arc's about to end and I want to deliver it as best as I can while not leaving any important plot hole and element unchecked before the very last chapter.

That's pretty obvious to you all by now, yeah?

Although I may delay in updates because of some issues in health and in cash, I do put in all my best to make the story worth flipping over chapter by chapter.

While I was writing Chapter 156 to 160, I received a lot of comments and curious questions to at least over 20 different people asking me about clarification about "why is this" and "why did that happen when this was this in this chapter..." and such in Vol.6 and most especially in Vol.7.

To tell you honestly, I enjoyed their questions but the pressure was there. Because the only reason I was able to answer their questions is because I paid extra attention to the smallest details of when I was writing our story, especially those inner monologues and conversation details of the main and side characters.

Every little detail in the story, every little thing that happens, they were all connected to the bigger picture of our story... even the past chapters and small references were important. Especially those easily cast aside gestures of the characters like putting a hand in the head, face twitches, sighs, and even just the presence of them, even if they don't actually do anything. Those were important because they tell us a lot of things happening within the scene which also becomes the foundation in future chapters.

And that's what's putting the pressure on me.

You see, the [Blueprint] I use to guide my writing of our Siva story doesn't contain any "dialogue" in it —meaning, I have to be the one to plan all their dialogues and exchanges as I write. And for the readers who paid extra attention on them, when dialogues are present in the chapter, the chapter tends to have little events and more interactions in it, stretching the chapter longer and then many will say that "nothing happened" in the chapter and only had a lot of unnecessary talks.

—that although I want to argue that all those talks are important, it was indeed boring to read when taking the side of you readers who wanted more action than words.

I, as the author, was the one to blame because I still have a long way to go before I actually create a "conversation chapter" where the dialogue was entertaining, intriguing, and curious to read.

But the thing is, like I said in previous NOTES, my blueprint's "instructions" may actually be just a short simple lines like "Rex rescues Amanda" but the entire thing may actually extend from just one chapter up to two or even three.

—this was especially so in Volume 6 when the whole volume in my blueprint was just planned to be 40+ chapters but it was actually stretched into 162 in the official release because I had to insert some parts of Volume 7 in it that was connected to the entire plot of Volume 6.

That's what happens to me behind the scenes.

It's a kind of enjoyable pressure on my side but it was still "pressure" nonetheless. I stay up late at night thinking of better ways on how to deliver this and that, while also thinking of the larger picture, and the speed of the update; what will happen on the next chapter, and who will get the brunt, fall, or save the day in the future.... these all keep me awake and when I do realized it, it was already morning and I had to force myself to sleep just to stay healthy.

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