Chapter 128: Everything's Negotiable

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Chapter 128: Everything's Negotiable

If "Mitra" is a weapon for these "Agents of Chaos" then perhaps it was logical for Chronos to cleanse the ranks of World Nobles as soon as he can. But they don't know the names of these traitors and if he can't give Rex Pegasus, then they could only do this "cleansing" manually.

If they did that, however, the process will take so much time that it will alert the nest and give these targets time to escape then cause "chaos" before they were caught... or as revenge for foiling their entertainment plans.

Chronos thought: they aren't afraid of us since they dared to plan this act. It's not impossible for them to actually resort to brutal terrorism since it was possible that the cleansing process itself is an act of provocation on their perspective...

Suddenly, Chronos found himself in a dilemma.

Rex's alibis were solid and the more he opens up, the more confused the situation develops in the mind of the old coot. It's as if the entire thing was actually rigged to intimidate the old coots from the very beginning. Given AG's reputation, it wasn't a far off notion in all reality. In fact, this may even be the actual case!

Having thought of this, Chronos looked at Rex.

Chronos stared at him silent and went back to the basic question, is it okay to trust Rex Kingsley's words at face value?

What if everything they have talked about all this time were mere lies? AG was the key but he knew that he can't unlock his cage not because they're incapable but because the "Cryo-capsule" AG was in is timed to open after ten years. He's just been at the capsule for a short time. Reviving him now would cause unhealthy repercussions.

Goldwyn likes the boy. He won't let AG risk being stupid just because they wanted to ask a question that's been incited by their own lab rat. After all, Goldwyn still wanted the boy to inherit his throne.

Chronos' experience with people and business is proving to be inadequate at this moment. He was beginning to feel doubtful that Rex was making him dance at his palm.

Where did it all begin?

How did he end up burdened by this dilemma?

Well, it began when Rex said he was thankful that he was invited in this "meeting" then he revealed that he's always been aware of who Chronos was.

this made me doubt his identity and ability...

Then Rex exposed himself as a desperate man in pursuit of revenge, someone who would sell his own soul for the sake of his own justice.

and AG and his cohorts used his vengeance as a tool for their own goals...

——it made me doubt the World Nobles Council.

Right after Chronos thought that he was closing in to a clue on how to trace the traitors, Rex threw a rock into the pond and muddled the water using an elaborate "act" of admitting that everything he was saying to Chronos —or in fact, this meeting itself— is always been part of the plans of Mitra.

With Rex as the fulcrum, Chronos was induced to think that AG and his cohorts expected that those old coots above them will try to put a leash on this pawn by initiating a conversation.

(AN: please help, I can't find any other word(s) to properly replace the connotation portrayed by the context for the "induced" here)

And by that conversation, they even expected it to end up as either of the Five Family Heads will be drawn to the spark they created.

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