Chapter 013: Teleported Again

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Chapter 013: Teleported Again

[Lapis Lazulis, sir. Three of them!]

S-Ranked Monsters are very territorial creatures.

Because they are so big and they are so strong, it can be considered that within a certain region, just one S-Ranked Monster is already plenty enough.

Yet three of them at the same time, and they even looked like they were allies...? This doesn't sound something natural at all.

Since Siva was already aware of where he was in just a single glance, there was no stopping him on recalling the very thing that he both dreaded and also needed in this place.

"These monsters are that one's soldiers."

[An Elemental Dragon, sir?]


Of course, Cortana had already read his mind.

"To be precise, it's the highest and noblest kind of Elemental Dragon possible... a Vajra!"

Within the echelon of the Eight Elements, there is the highest element in the rankings.


It can rend the Lands, cancel flowing Waters, split the Wind, create true Fire, nullify Poisons, melt the Metals, and destroy Nature.

In terms of energy, Lightning is maybe the purest form of Mana next to the Mana Stone and Crystals.

Since the Dragons are already the highest and the strongest "forms" of existences next to the Gods, if a Dragon had absorbed an essence of Lightning and became an Elemental Dragon of Lightning, a Vajra, then it can be said that amongst Dragons, it was of the highest existence as well.

It was no wonder it can enslave S-Rank Monsters.

"The entire Anazon Forest is already its territory. A foreign individual like me suddenly appearing like that is greatly considered a trespassing!"

[Sir, it seems that you're the only one that's been teleported to this place. Not one Liberty Drone or BM-Puppet was included in the transfer.]

Siva clicked his tongue.

He didn't even get the time to gather his wits and think over what had happened in Alexandria before he was forcefully teleported to this place again.

"Gabriel must really hate me a lot. He didn't dare to kill me because of Janus but he still wanted to make it hard on me."

[Contact in twenty seconds sir.]

'There are still Liberty Drones being made in the Task Palette so it's not an issue. And all the BM-Puppets have basic defensive protocols on their memory cores. They should be standing by with the Liberty Drones in midair once they lost contact with me.'

[I've also sent a command to standby just before I escaped outside of the game, earlier, sir.]

Siva was secretly glad that he had given Cortana a slight heads up of eventual things and told her of what she should do when those things happen. Of course.... Cortana already read his mind.

[Fifteen seconds to contact.]

'Up! Let's check for directions first.'

With a single jump, Siva pierced through the thick canopy of the trees and hovered 30m above the tree line. He saw the dusky sky of the twilight hour and the Sky Wyverns and other flying monsters in the air, constantly looking down at the forest for an eventual dinner to mistakenly jump too highly.

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