Chapter 034: Plan B

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Chapter 034: Plan B

As luck would give it, Horbe is a city-state and the distance from the Northern Wall, underground, and to the central area where the hole was located is at least several tens of kilometers, if not hundreds.

The hole stretches at least 4km deep. Very deep in any Mortal standards but definitely is not made by any normal means. That's why it took them years to complete it and finish the purpose why it was built only today.

Was it luck that Siva just had the feeling to deploy a Liberty Drone at that time?

He doubted it. Siva thought of the other guy. It was this feeling of being whispered upon by a strange voice that made him think of it otherwise.

Four [Dáinsleif], loaded and ready. Siva unleashed a network of Mini Realms 200m around the hole as he himself hid 5km away from it.

Six Liberty Drones were also deployed to serve as adjustment nodes and through their scans, even if the Priestess or anyone else would notice that they are still being 'monitored', they still wouldn't have a way to be aware that the person monitoring them is already preparing for a sneak attack.

This time, Siva was using the Mini Realm and the [Dáinsleif] to their maximum potentials.

Dáinsleif wasn't limited to just 10km. It was a large-caliber, special-ammo, Sniper Rifle designed to be specifically lethal for extra long-range sniping. It's a weapon for conservative damagers.

The "10km" was its absolute effective range while 12-14km was its maximum effective range.

Beyond that the power of the bullet would disperse and the bullet becomes nothing more than a freely flying projectile —and that is outside what type of bullet was actually being used for the specific shot.

[Target entering flag range.]

'I'll take the first shot and control the network paths and after that, you take the next shots. Just remind me to reload what Dáinsleif needs reloading.'

[Roger that.]

The Inventory Plus Ultra... although it serves as an extension for the [Inventory], its functionalities are still controlled by Siva's thoughts; most especially the World Realm Utility functionality.

Cortana is still unable to control it as she can control the Inventory.

It may have been Gabriel's setup or it may just be the fact that Cortana wasn't 100% integrated into Siva and was still somewhat, in a deeper level, a different 'entity' from him.

Or it may just be the limitations set up by the game.

[Target entering firing zone in five seconds...]

Siva, floating in midair in a prone position, focused his breathing. Sniping posture and eye-on-scope in his vision provided by Cortana... he focused his mind. This is both practice training and a mission.


Finger on the trigger, Siva unlocked the pin.


He breathed in, and then out. In... and then out.


After exhaling, Siva held his breath. He glanced at the atmospheric readings that will affect the bullet to calculate his accuracy. Although he was not that much worried, it's better to be sure that nothing will go wrong in this ambush.

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