Chapter 077: A Generous God

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Chapter 077: A Generous God

"Yes." she said after a while, "The bigger the form you wanted the spell to take, the more Mana it'll need when being cast. If the Dragon's Carcass is from an Elemental Dragon, then it's all the better, since the final product can take on the Element of the supposed tangible form. To maintain the spell is also not an issue, only the casting requirement of the spell should be the issue. By this, I can use the generally utilized [Talisman of Projection] with a little modification to its Tier. Also, the bigger the Projected Image you wanted to accomplish, the higher the Tier of the Talisman and the more the Mana Requirement of the Spell is needed. If you have an intact Elemental Dragon's Carcass, then I will have to trouble you with providing it. Also, for the Talismans to cast such a spell, I'll also have to trouble you with collecting the materials for it. Is it possible, Your Excellency?"

"Good. It's possible!" Siva was happy to hear this news and he couldn't help nodding. "Just send me your requirements and I will give them. As for the other specific spells, let me see, firstly, I need an AOE-type Healing Spell, the higher the area of its affect the better. And I also need it to have the shortest Cast Charge and Cooldown periods if possible. If it's insta-cast and an insta-cooldown, that would be the best. In fact, I need all my spells to be that way. Then, I'd also need a very strong Binding Spell to stop enemies; something that can stop them from moving, if that's possible. I also need the highest-ranking Telekinesis Spell you're capable of creating, just like the ones you have. I also need a..."

Siva listed around 30 spells for Gaia and although she looked smart, the things Siva listed for her is just so special that she blinked in surprise three or four times.

Gaia also provided her input into specifying the tiniest of details to the spells Siva wanted and this was also appreciated by Siva in many degrees.

Minutes passed by, the list was made. 30% of them were general spells while the rest were all specialized spells that Gaia was only hearing the concept of for the first time on that single sitting.

40 minutes later—

".....and finally, give me that Julian's contact. I will talk to her myself. Also, hasten your preparations for movement but don't alert anyone. Contact me when you're ready to move and I will move your entire city or your entire country so that you don't have to rebuild one again."

"You can do that?!"

"There shouldn't be a problem if it's only a few tens of kilometers. Even a hundred or so wouldn't be an issue."

Gaia paused, looking at Siva, then quietly nodded, providing the information before making her exit.

"I shall employ my people as soon as I can. I now bid you adieu, Your Excellency."

Siva was now alone in the throne room, looking at the five 5m-wide "metallic platforms" Gaia had set up 5 of 6 Mana Gathering Spell Formations she just gave him.

There are five square-shaped formation bases in here and despite Gaia's attempts to remind Siva of its sensitivity to the tiniest of disruptions to its operations Siva assured her that he can use them without actually ever exposing them into air.

Although these are all her 'gesture of respect' to a Trinity God, Siva understood that these demands are excessive.

Thus, Siva gifted her two complete Fire Dragon Carcasses inside two Mini Realms, with an extra five more that should serve as Gaia's Inventory Expansion —outside of the requirement of creating Siva's Talismans, making Siva's stash of Fire Dragon remains down to five and stock of Mini Realms down to 43.

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