Chapter 015: Electra

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Chapter 015: Electra

"I know you." a female voice sounded. The voice sounded young, enticing, but full of regality and a sense of pride; it was a sense of indifference that instinctively arouses from someone born and bred to be a ruler.

This was the queen of Anazon Forest and it wasn't a wonder now to Siva why the monsters willingly followed and feared her at the same time.

"I can't be wrong now! It's you! I've been searching for you! I've seen you here... before... with your friends... back then you escaped but you wouldn't escape this time around... not that I'm here..."

Siva was startled. The 'queen' walked out of the fire and smoke she created carrying her lithe and sexy figure which was enough to be compared to even Galatea's and Cassiopeia's deliciousness. But her beauty, God, she was even prettier than Scion!

"I know your smell. The moment you appeared in my forest, I knew that it was you! I can't forget this smell of yours. The first time, I wasn't sure that it was you but now... I am sure... now that you're this close to me, I can't mistake the scent coming from the depths of your soul..."

The woman who looked like a MEGA model from a Godly Modeling Agency with a perfect face of one that was perfect to be called a real goddess, made her way in front of Siva.

She wore a brilliantly designed platinum-silver robe with loose ribbons that made it look like she had just gotten out of bath. Aside from her silvery white hair and no-other-color lightning-filled eyes, every aspect of her outward appearance was beautiful, a jewel of the eye in every word... even the burning power of lightning she unconsciously emits aren't the least bit dreadful when seeing her.

And yet, contrary to the tone and words she used, the look in her face when she spoke to Siva was full of hatred and loathing.

Siva, having his playboy side triggered, couldn't help but seductively beam at her, "Have we met in our dreams before?" —this is the [Siva] who lived an unbridled life as an Immortal in the past and isn't the virtuous and upright boy-next-window college son of the Kingsley Doctors of a year ago.

With his cursed state, the effect was obvious.

The Vajra raised her silvery white left brow and a look of disgust appeared on her beautiful face.

Siva was still wearing his edgy magneto helmet, the already repaired one, but his eyes and mouth can still be seen through the Y-shaped openings in it so his attempt to use his tantalizing eyes had a very obvious effect on her.

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror?"

"No, But I know I'm good looking... if you look past my cursed state, you will know that my heart is the purest form of pleasure you can find out there. So, how about we make a bet?"


The girl looked at him as if she was seeing a clown in a red beret.

"It seems that you do not recognize my aura at all."

"Your aura?"

Siva was confused, this was only their second time meeting and the first wasn't even considered some sort of meeting at all.

"I'm sorry, but have we really met before?"

The woman nodded in understanding. It seems the man really couldn't remember her at any least.

"If that is the case, then do you remember about an Elder Dragon you killed 56 years ago?"

Siva's smile crumbled and he subconsciously took a step back as he stared at the woman in front of him with both trepidation and disbelief, "Are you perhaps a descendant of that Elder Dragon?"

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