Chapter 007: Bay Walk

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Chapter 007: Bay Walk

When Angus heard this name, his eyes went wide as he stared at Howard, "You don't say. Is he really a 'Kingsley' that should have died at the accident?"

<Although there is no proof, I've met him once and I know that he's the real deal... apparently, he's still alive and he's that girl's lover. Officially.>

The traffic on the toll gate was long and there are still three cars before him. But as soon as he heard this news, he punched the steering wheel and the horn sounded, drawing displeasure to the drivers on the front side.

Even the traffic officers frowned at him with one of them walking towards his direction, making his mood plummet even deeper.

"Sir, did you know that blowing your horn in a toll gate is not allowed?" the man spoke at the driver's window after a knock, pointing at the [sign] not too far away from them.

But instead of pulling out his 'checker log', he only slightly inserted his hand on the small opening on the car door's sliding window.

This was a signal. It's either the issue becomes big or Angus pays for the officer's silence. Violation is violation and even with his money and authority, he might still need 2 days to settle the matter. It was a troublesome task.

As such, Angus obviously chose the latter.

Pulling a silvery-blue paper bill —the highest kind of paper bill— Angus folded it and told the officer with 'sincere' apology, "I'm really sorry, officer, I was just having a bad day from work." When he spoke, he secretly put the folded paper bill to the officer's hand.

Contented, the officer knocked once on the sliding window before speaking, "Just don't let it happen a second time."

After that, he gave a hand signal and secretly put the harvest into a breast pocket. Angus pulled up the window then roared inside the car.


Howard saw this but there was nothing he could do about it but only wait for the matter to settle quietly.

<We have to rethink our plans. Your dad's political campaign mustn't be affected by this small setback. Your role to this entire operation is irreplaceable so you have to pull your game up and fix this. It will lift your family's status, yours, and will also eventually pave way to your own future.>

"I know that already!"

<Pull yourself together! This is just a minor delay so you don't have to dwell seriously in it. You can always come and visit later on to fix your image with the princess. Besides, with the arrogance and unbridledness of that Kingsley given that his family is no longer as influential as before, what's there to be scared at his presence? Aside from being just a recipient of The Conclave's invitation like you, the bastard has nothing to show off so you can always crush him there.>

"The Conclave..." as Angus murmured, he pulled up the driver's compartment and saw there a little red envelop.

It was the invitation to this year's conclave.

<You two are on the same stage but you have your guns while he doesn't have any. You just had to be better than him on using your bullets. And as far as I know, he hasn't even attended The Conclave for two years now. You can always beat him there by using the contacts you've already made.>

A smile broke out of Angus's face, sinister and evil.

"Just to be sure, have you sent men to follow him home, right?"

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