Chapter 004: Meet the Parents

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Chapter 004: Meet the Parents

It should be noted that it was only natural for these politicians to be full of bravado and spunk, backed by cunning shrewdness and an unending desire to rise in power.

But it was rare for them to actually swallow their own bitter egos and endure humiliation to actually lower their heads on a junior just for the sake of sucking up at him.

Yet Howard Gregory did just that. And it was in a manner that's so humble, although it was obvious it was hard to be angry at him.

To him, it was better to swallow the bitter pill of his ego and to mend what can be mended, rather than offend a future promising figure.

The latter choice obviously has fewer benefits than the former so he did what he did.

this guy is an expert at playing poker!

Rex landed on the realization and his former anger subsided, replaced by an incredulous look of bitter tasting blood from his earlier outburst.

"Rex Kingsley..." at this time, Amanda's mother is the one who spoke, "...I remember hearing your name being called by Little Ama-chan. Are you perhaps the one she took care of in the hospital when she was on her internship?"

Thinking about Amanda's earlier explanation in the matter of their house, it was now clear to him that this so called 'inheritance' was not a simple matter.

But he put the matter at the back of his mind, "Yes, ma'am. I was once her patient."

Amanda's father frowned, "Amanda. You do realize that what you did are against the code of conduct of your profession, is it not?"

"I am aware, dad." Amanda shyly answered but she did not let go of Rex's hand. "That's why as soon as I finished my internship I dropped all notion of going back to that profession. I am unworthy and a disgrace to the profession."

The father creased his brows but before he could speak a word, Amanda's mother walked over and embrace her child.

"Now, now... don't worry, love. Mommy's never be angry at you. You were only a young lady in love, and there's nothing wrong about that."

After she spoke, she turned around and winked at Amanda's father which made the man blush as he turned to Howard, coughing before he spoke.

"I really have to apologize at what happened at our house, Sir Howard, it's really a situation that's out of any of our imaginations." As he spoke, he gave a glance over at Rex. it was a glance that had many meanings in it.

Howard patted his nape, then said: "No worries, Sir Russell, because not even I have expected that when I came to visit you regarding official matters of your work, my nephew would actually be here as well to visit your daughter, who happens to already had a lover who also came to visit."

Their eyes were now directed at Rex and he felt as if his soul was shaking. He was calm in front of a monster, a devil, or any enemy, but this was his first time being stared intently by his woman's dad.

He did not even experienced this with his first girl, Samantha, who they came to Sweetzerland with an intention of introducing Rex to his dad, Alfred Pegasus... where all the mess in his life started.

"Well, I think I'll just visit you some other time."

"I'm sorry, Sir Howard, that I can't see you off."

Howard Gregory waved a hand and walked out of the gates with his bodyguards. Who knows if they will talk about Rex on their car or not but the man himself already has his mind on a different matter.

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