Lil' chunk

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Laying there is peaceful. There's some late summer sun coming in through the glass warming your skin. It's been a crazy morning but after sleep and a lot of food your feeling more yourself. Yoongi is sat up against the headboard with you between his legs, your back resting on his chest as you FaceTime your mum arranging to meet them at your grans.

You feel anxious, you're dreading telling them you and Yoongi are expecting a baby. Deciding you need your comfort team behind you, and with Yoongi's permission you take all seven boys with you and you all go to your grans in two cars.

You pull up outside the stately home and Hoseok whistles from the back of the Gwagon.
"Granny sure has a lot of money."
"Uh...yeah, she inherited the estate, it's been in the family for years."

Yoongi looks at you with raised eyebrows.
"What kind of heritage do you have? Your gran inherited it and it's been in the family years. So your parents get it next?"
"And then it's left to you?..."
"Where is this going? Yeah, that's how it works. It's mine after my mum and dad."
"Great, we could do with a house of this size, let's knock grandma off and then ma and pa and we'll have a nice Manor House!" He grins and you swat his arm weakly.

"You're a dick. Get out the car. Oh and if anyone asks I've just been ill okay?" You mutter to them as you all step out the cars and walk up to the grand double doors. You knock and the door is opened within seconds by a butler.
"Ma'am May I help you?" He asks giving you and the black clad tattooed men behind you a filthy look and you scrunch your face up in distaste.
"Yes. You can. You can start by getting out the way. We're here to see granny." Yoongi snaps taking your hand and barging in bashing the butler out the way as he stands back flabbergasted as the boys walk in giving him nods and smiles as they pass.

You take the lead and head to the main living space or the 'entertainment room' as granny calls it, it's got a table for card games, a piano, books, a liquor cabinet, and a case with poker chips in it. The room has a high ceilings and is decked out in red velvet and golds. It's very...lavish.

Jimin nods in approval as he walks in giving a whistle.
"Who the hell are you?" Granny asks as they all flock into the room and you go to answer her but she cuts you off.
"Yn! Finally some interesting company! You're mother and father are so...prim. Who are these men? Do they gamble? Shall we play?"
"Granny! That's not what we're here fo-"

But it's too late. The boys are already sitting at the table with your gran as she dishes out playing cards, your mum and dad look embarrassed and Yoongi chuckles playfully next to you.
"Good ol' Granny is quite the woman isn't she? I don't think we'll be leaving anytime soon chunk." He grins as he takes a place at the table dragging you with him as he sits you on his lap.
"Ah! You're joining too? Splendid, I never say no to a handsome face. What are you all called anyway?" She asks nonchalantly like she's known them forever not a few minutes.

Jimin is more than happy chatting to granny introducing them all until your father walks up to the table.
"Mother dearest. I don't think it's wise to associate with thugs." He spits and she makes everyone laugh when she shoo's him away telling him thugs are better company than anyone else as they know how to play and these ones are 'young and handsome'
"-especially this one." She says with a wink at Jin who laughs as he picks up his cards.

You sink into Yoongi's grip a little more and mutter to him.
"This isn't what we're here for!"
"Relax, just have a good time. You could do with it after the few months you've just had. I'm right here, chill my lil' chunk. Here hold my cards for me." He says kissing you once on the neck and fanning his cards out for you to hold.
"I dunno how to play." You admit and granny rolls her eyes.

"Good god love. Teach her some things will you. She's far to innocent and naive. She can't even gamble" and he nods and promises your granny he will and you hear Hoseok next to you mumble as he pulls a 'wow' face.
"She's not as innocent as you think granny.."

And a long game of cards starts as granny calls for a butler to bring over some alcohol. Granny's setting up for a good night.

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