Im to immature for this.

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You sit nervously in the car and drift in and out of sleep as Yoongi drives you to the hospital. As your eyes are drifting you suddenly realise something.
"Yoongi? Won't the hospital ask why I'm in such a state? My wrists and stuff..." you ask looking at your raw wrists which are starting to scab over.

"Don't worry, Jin has doctored your medical notes to say you've been very unwell for a few months and the wrists? Hmm...-" He reaches into the back and puts a large hoody on your lap. "-that'll drown your tiny frame and the arms will easily cover your wrists." He gives you a smile but it's weak. You haven't had a chance to properly talk to him about all of it. You fell asleep in his arms in Jin's medical room and like the gentle man he really is he sat there with you until he had to wake up to take you to your scan.

You tug the hoody on as he pulls the Gwagon into two spaces to ensure no one scratches it and as you go to get out he's already there opening your door. He takes his hand and links his fingers with yours before walking at a slow pace with you into the hospital. He clearly has something on his mind and you want to ask what but with everything that's happened it seems stupid to ask.

You're called in for your scan and lay back and watch as the woman squirts something cold onto your stomach and starts to push around and a moment later something that resembles a baby pops up on the screen. You're both shocked and watch silently as she does her measurements, fills out some paperwork and hands you some printed pictures making you cry all over again. She gives you a happy smile and walks out announcing she'll 'give you a moment together alone' and shuts the door.

You sit up full of tears and hand Yoongi the scan pictures and he takes them in his large inky hands and looks them over and you see his eyes gloss over and he rubs his eyes with one hand, the other still clutching the pictures.
"Fuck, this is suddenly so real Yn. Shit..."
"Yoongi. I'm so sorry. I know we haven't been together long and I understand if you don't want to play a part, I'll go back to my grans with my parents and I-"
"-shut up. Just shut up. You're not going anywhere. I'd never abandon you, never, especially now you're carrying my child. Oh god I'm going to be a dad. I still laugh over boobs, I'm not mature enough for this." He hangs his head and you gingerly place a hand on his head and let it drop to his face as he looks at you.

"Ya'know they're going to rip the shit out of you when they find out right?" And he laughs a little. That's exactly something you'd say and you're right.
"Yeah. They will, and protective Jungkook might actually hunt me down and beat my ass for this." He chuckles and glances at your stomach.
"I can't believe you were putting your bloated stomach and missed period down to lack of food. Only you..." He rolls his eyes as he stands up and takes your hand.

"Cmon' chunk. Let's get you home. Jin'll need to clean your wrists again, we need to tell the others,  Taehyung's going to want to shove food in your face for the next six months, Jungkook will want to beat me up and Hoseok is going to cry like a girl."

He's not wrong. You get home and he calls everyone into the living space and they all worry as they see you looking more frail than ever in his large hoody that swamps you. He wordlessly holds out the little scroll of scan pictures and they all look at it wordlessly. Even the dumber ones understand what this is.
"Who? guys?" Jimin asks and Yoongi nods and the uproar he predicted starts.

Taehyung is instantly yamming on about food and calories, Jin is there applauding with tears in his eyes, Hoseok is hugging you crying, Jimin is hooting about Yoongi 'getting his end wet', Jungkook looks like he's fuming and Namjoon is hugging you muttering about how you're going to have beautiful babies and you burst into tears and Yoongi snaps into fierce protector mode.

"SHUT UP AND SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN! STOP CROWDING HER!" He shouts angrily as he pulls you and your tiny bump into his arms and they all take a seat as instructed and you sit down next to him, already worn out  as he stands and lectures them.
"-and whatever she wants you do it. She wants a drink you get her a drink, she's craving food you damn well get it, if she's sleeping ya'll are gonna sit down and shut the fuck up and-" you gently touch his arm.

"It's fine. Shhh. I'm going with Jin now to get my wrists cleaned okay?" You speak gently to the confused emotional man and he nods with a confused look, like he knows you're safe but he still wants to come. You dread the next six months, he's not even going to let you pee on your own...

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