To much travelling.

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You can't get comfortable. You've already been in the  Gwagon for hours and you're still on the way to drop off Holly, what's worse is you're dead nervous, Yoongi sprung on you that you've got to meet his parents, because that's where Holly's going.

You pick the poodle up and place kisses and nuzzle his nose. You love this dog so much it's unreal. As you're fussing him and brushing out his beautiful coat Yoongi finally pulls the truck to a stop outside a nice three story town house.
"Time to meet mummy. Hop out lovebirds" Jin grins as they all step out of the two cars and make their way into the house as Yoongi carries a box full of Holly's stuff.

You're a bag of nerves, this was put on you so suddenly but none of the boys seem at all edgy, they're all greeting her with hugs and kisses as they go through the door one by one, yourself and Yoongi the last ones in.
"Ah Yn! I've heard so much about you!" She smiles pulling you into a kiss being careful not to squish Holly who knows where he is and is desperate to get down.
"You know, I speak to my son every day and he always talks about you an-"
"-Mum! Stop!" He groans and you feel Intrigued, whatever she was about to say he wants it kept hush.

You glance at him with a raised eyebrow and he gently brushes past you muttering so only you can hear.
"Don't you give me that look.." and you bite back a laugh as you place the dog on the floor and he runs off at lightening speed. You all sit in the garden in the sun and you're sat a ways away from the boys on a bench swing with Yoongi's mum.
"Uh dear! I tell you, he's always been a rebellious lad. Alas he's just like his father, he was always going to be in the line of 'work' it's all he's ever really known. Have you met his father yet?" She asks you and you shake your head and tell her you haven't, she nods slowly in return and talk turns to her darling little flower of a son, who she's clearly very fond of.
"-And he calls me every day!"
"No way!"
"Mhmm! I knew about you the day you entered the house, he was all a fluster! Didn't know what to do with a girl in the house! He's never slipped up and gotten caught on the job before, I thought he was going to cry on me the way he was running his mouth and complaining."

You're shocked, you need her to keep going this is gold. You nod and giggle at the right moments and she keeps talking.
"-every day he talks about you, I'll bet everything I have that he's in love with you. He always tells me What you've been up to. I know everything." She smiled adding emphasis on the last word and you flush red and she placed a hand on your leg.
"Ah my dear! A blush suits you. Don't worry. If you can withstand and tame his fierce temper he'll treat you right. You couldn't have given your virginity to a better boy-"
"-OH! Look at the time Yoongi! Plane to catch!" You cut her off before you actually die of embarrassment. He really has told her everything. The ferocious Min Yoongi is a mummy's boy, who would have though it?

Much to you relief he agrees it's time to set off and she sees you all off with snacks for the rest of your journey leaving you with a wink as she waves you off. Yoongi notices your red face and cringe as you wave her off and asks you.
"What's with that face?"
"We're having words on that plane boy." Is all you leave him with before burying your mortified face in your phone for the rest of the journey as Jin and Jimin hound you about what you and his mum were whispering about on the bench all afternoon.

Much to your relief the two cars enter the car park and you feel tired and achey from all the travelling. As you walk into the airport you heave a sigh.
"I'm so tirrrrrred Yoongi. This was all so rushed." And he rolls his eyes and offers you his hand and Jungkook does one better and bends down in front of you offering a piggy back.

Of course the piggy back wins out, Jin laughs and takes your luggage as Jungkook carries you through the airport with a grouchy looking Yoongi and Taehyung nudges him.
"Hey, were like her brothers, drop the dirty looks bro. He's just making her feel better, she aches! Have you been 'working her out'" he jokes with a nudge of his elbow and Yoongi looks at him.
"Yup. Had her in the shower this mornin" leaving him with a face of shock. Okay it's a little lie but he'd never know.

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