Here. Now.

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You enter a grand looking building, more like a Manor House.
"Stop being so fucking nervous, these men prey on vulnerable new meat so pack it in with the quacking for fucks sake." Taehyung scolded walking along side you as you enter the hall with Jungkook on your other side. Before you enter the hall Yoongi turns to look at you.

"Kitten do me a favour?"
"W-what?" You ask nervously.
"You need to act like you're smitten with all of us but you need to act super clingy to me. Got it?"
"Mhmm" You murmur as Tae and Jungkook intertwine their fingers with yours holding your hands.

"You gotta look like you're happy to be seen holding my hand baby." Jungkook said nudging you. You put on a small smile and he nods in approval. Yoongi leads you into a large hall with tables all around with many many men dressed in black sitting around them with women hanging off their arms and laughing at their every word. The room is filled with cigarette smoke and has a very masculine feel. Women are clearly just underdogs here for the money and the men know it.

After some chatting to various men Yoongi sits at a round table with a very strict looking man and his cronies around him.
"Yoongi. Who's this?" He asks lighting a cigarette and pointing to you as he holds it between his index and middle finger.
"This is Yn. She's our number one."
"She seems...nervous, and not very loyal to you. Look how attached she is to your boys." He shook his head in disgust at your hands linked with Tae's and Jungkooks. Yoongi has to think fast, he had a reputation to keep.
"Not at all. I've had my fill of her all day. The boys are simply having their share of her delightful company."
"Is she obedient?"
"Kitten? Here. Now." Yoongi snapped clicking his fingers and you scurry over to him as he pats his lap.

Oh god. He can't be serious. What choice do you have? If you ruin his reputation he'll probably kill you once you're home anyway. You inwardly sigh as you force a smile and perch on his lap.

Unhappy with the lack of closeness you wraps his arms around your waist and pulls your back flush against his chest.
"She's just shy. Aren't you kitten?" Yoongi asks his deep voice right next to your ear sending shivers down your spine. You give a little nod and the man sits back in his chair observing.

"Yn? Come here..." he says slowly gesturing with his hand.
"Come sit with me. I want to talk to you..."

Something about it suddenly seems off. The boys look tense and you can feel Yoongi's grip on you tighten.
"No thank you sir. I'll stay right here." You smile graciously and Yoongi rests his nose on the top of your head and mumbles so the man can't see he's talking.
"A wise choice. Well done."

They talk shop and you come to realise that the man they were beating yesterday owes this older gentleman money. He has a week to find it or they'll be paying him another visit. They boys live alone but take orders from this older man. He must be important and you feel more nauseous than ever now you know this information.

You're not cut out for this world.
"Come baby. We have other matters to tend to." Yoongi rumbled as he patted your leg signalling for you to stand. The older gent came over and stood before you. His hand wound around the back of your neck and his face came close. You didn't like this, this man didn't give off the same vibe as the seven you've started living with, he's much more sinister looking. His face comes close to yours and he whispers.
"Look after my boys now Yn."
"I will try my best."
"Maybe later you can show me what you can do."

Yoongi cut in and removed the olders hand by sliding his own underneath and tugging you to his chest.
"Thanks but no thanks. This ones mine. Kiss me quickly."
Snapping to your senses you quickly look up from
His chest kiss his cheek as he smirks, takes your hand and leads you away.

As soon as you're outside you all release a tense breath.
"Jesus fucking, Mary and Joseph. That was hard work." Jin whined as he dragged his hands down his face.
"I thought you were a goner. Bloody hell Yoongi, you were brave stepping in like that." Jungkook said adjusting his gun in his jacket. Yoongi responded as he grabbed your wrist tugging you to the car.
"If I didn't our little virgin here wouldn't have been a virgin for much longer. Get in the damn car, I'm tired." He growled and you all drove home.

Listen, Little Kitten  [COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant