We got lucky.

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You know this voice, and as you stand and get closer you realise you recognise the tattoos too.

You burst into the room and see Yoongi pinning Jimin against the wall as he demands to know where you are, everyone is here and you burst into tears as you suddenly feel overwhelmed, they're all here safe. Yoongi's here, and you don't know why but you feel so much safer.
"Yoongi!" And he whips his head to you and let's Jimin go.
"Fuck! Kitten! You're safe!" He breathes and opens his arms to catch you as you dive into them.

It's only a little while later when you've calmed down you suddenly feel flustered. How have you not noticed how unbelievably hot Yoongi looks right now? His dark hair falling over his eyes, his black dress shirt tucked into his black tight jeans with the sleeves rolled up exposing his inked arms with his silver bracelets and a large watch adorning his wrists as he slides his hands through his fluffy hair.

You sit opposite him as you all sit in the living space to talk about what happened. All you can really grasp from this confusing situation is that Jaehyun tricked Yoongi and came to the house for you, but Jungkook and Jimin managed to trick Jaehyun by lying saying that Yoongi knew it was a trick and had taken you away to keep you safe even though you were actually shoved in an old tool chest in the basement. Is this really what gang life is like? You were finding it very confusing

"Yeah but it's okay! We got away with it!" You add at the end and Yoongi looks at you with furrowed eyebrows like you said the stupidest thing on earth.
"Kitten. We didn't 'get away with it'. We got lucky. He'll still be hunting for you and what's worse is now it's like a fucking game, he hunts you hide I retaliate, it's now just vicious circle till I kill the slippery bastard."
"You're really going to kill him?" You ask. Unsure if you want to hear the answer and Namjoon cuts in.

"Of course we are, he's messed with us to much, it's now a matter of pride. No one fucks with us this way and lives to tell the tale." And you nod slowly as the realisation sets in again. They really are dangerous, it almost makes you feel proud that you're so important to them, you'll never be on their hit list at least.

The long talks about plans and revenge end after running late into the night and Yoongi sees you struggling to keep your eyes open and demands you all head off to bed, Yoongi tugging you behind him as you sleepily stumble up the stairs and, just about, successfully make it to the room without dropping off to sleep stood up.

For the first time since you've known him, he waits till you're in bed and pulls you to him and insists on spooning you.
"Yoongi, we never sleep like this." You mumble, slightly red in the face and so glad it's dark so he can't tell how shy you're suddenly feeling. In usual Yoongi fashion he brusquely responds.
"I don't care. Tonight we are, you don't understand the severity of what's happened the last few days. I need to keep you close, even if it is for selfish reasons like my own piece of mind."

You don't respond, you just lay there in his grip as you take in his words. You think, you're definitely attached to this man, maybe even in love but you struggle to fall asleep as you think on his words and actions. He keeps you safe, he worries, he insists on keeping you in sight, he wanted to keep you in the gang and made you a member, he won't let others touch you, he's called you his from the second day in this house, the list goes on.

As you lay there with his right arm under your neck, his bare, warm, tattooed torso pressed against your back, his strong inky left arm wrapped around you keeping you pressed to him, his left hand linked with yours, his legs intertwined with yours, his gentle breathing sounding near your ear, his fluffy hair tickling the top of your head you think to yourself.

Is this man in love with me?

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