An extra guest.

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You're in the best of best moods when you get home. Your hair is fresh and cut, your nails are on mother fucking point and your bestie is in the back seat with you as a very mortified Hoseok is driving you both home. You told your bestie the truth about how you came to be here, she's been fucking Hoseok, she knows who these boys are and the lie wasn't worth it.

You all walk into the door and Yoongi is sat with a face like a busted ass.
"I fucking told you every hour on the hour you missed the last two!" He growled as he walked up to you and stopped dead in his tracks.
"Hoseok? Please don't pick up your fuck buddies while you're looking after my baby."
"Yoongi! Don't be rude! She's my best friend!"
"What?!" And you all take a moment to explain.

He pulls you into a hug lifting you off your feet slightly and whispers in your ear.
"What did you tell her about us? She knows we're together but she also knows what we do.."
"I told her the truth Yoongi!"
"Ugh, why would you do that?"
"It's okay. I told her I enjoy living here, with my kidnapper." You giggle bopping his SnapBack over his eyes and your bestie groans.

"Euwww stop whispering cute things to each other it's gross. Go fuck somewhere else." Yoongi glares at her and snaps.
"Shut the fuck up. My house I'll have her wherever I want. Not that you can talk, Mrs on the kitchen table. Fuck off upstairs with Hoseok."

You're shocked. One that he spoke to her that way and two you're learning a whole new side to your bestie you didn't know existed. On the kitchen table?!
"Umm, Yoongi, are you referring to the current kitchen table?" You ask as he places you back on your feet and he nods. You suddenly feel sick and he laughs at your expression.
"Your best friends bare ass has been where you eat your food. Feel grossed out yet Kitten?"
"Very.." you groan pushing past him to go to your room.

You don't get far as you go to walk past Hoseok's room and you can hear her moaning. You put your hands over you ears and sing loudly as you march back to the living space.

Namjoon and Jimin look at you with a shocked expression. You explain what's happened and feel annoyed. Why do they all find this situation so funny? The man of your dreams and nightmares walks in to make it worse.
"That's what you sound like kitten. Maybe a little squeakier though. And louder..."
"OH MY GOD STOP! For heavens saaaaake!" You shout and whine as he strolls past with a pleased grin on his face. You sit with pillows over your ears on the sofa for the next half an hour till she comes sauntering in with Hoseok.

"Bub! You haven't even brushed your hair! At least try to look like you haven't been screwed. Oh my lord." You mutter hiding your face glancing at Yoongi briefly on the sofa opposite Who's enjoying your discomfort. He finds it entertaining.

"What's the point? Besides it's curly I can't brush it. Then it'll look like I got screwed in a hedge or something." She replies adjusting her curls as best as she can oblivious to the fact your dying inside.
"So Yn, now you live here, I'll be visiting more, for sure." She grins and You grin back.
"Of course. It's not like I'm allowed out on my own. So ya' know. Visitors are welcome." You roll your eyes and Yoongi gets up and sits next to you slapping your thigh with a look that says:

Behave your self. Now.

Your bestie looks at you and clicks it together.
"Right! Mob boss! Gang leader! Holy hell I bet there's a pretty price on your head now right? But wow, what a title, I bet girls are plotting your death to get into your spot yn!"

Yoongi rolls his eyes. He really didn't want you to hear that there are girls plotting your death out there somewhere. You're to innocent for that sort of image in your mind. You won't sleep for weeks.
"She's just joking of course baby. Aren't you?" He asks glaring at her and she pulls a disgusted face.
"Hhhh, maybe...BYE!"

And like that she's gone with Hoseok so he can drive her home again.
"I can't get my head around the fact she knew you all before I did, and she's boning Hobi, and she knew my kidnapper before it even happened. That day? I was literally with her before it happened, if I'd have walked home with her, I wonder if I'd still be here now?"

Yoongi groans.
"Don't overthink it. I'll take your mind off of it." He growls as he throws you over his shoulder and carries you off to his room as you kick and yell all the way up to his room.

Listen, Little Kitten  [COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant