Just do it. Sort it. Done.

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Jin was beyond annoyed with you and Yoongi over the coming days. You were both becoming aware of your feelings and it was beyond annoying. It started out as cute but it was becoming absurd and confusing the other boys as they thought you were already going out so the sudden shyness and giggles didn't make sense.

You were walking towards Jin's medical room to have your stitches removed when you heard voices muttering from inside. One sounding angry and annoyed the other exasperated.
"Yoongi! Just be a man and sort it!"
"I can't! It's not that simple!"
"Yes it is! Just do it. Sort it. Done. Make it official and be done with it because it's going to start affecting the boys concentration soon. You need to up your game man. Just fix it."

You decide to knock on the half open door and head in and Yoongi bolts up from the chair.
"What's up with you?" You ask giving him a weird look to match his weird actions.
"You. You're the matter. Come with me." He growls grabbing you by the wrist and Jin gives you a wave a shouts good luck as Yoongi drags your through the building and into his room.

He throws you lightly on the bed causing you to yelp as your head hits the bed.

Yoongi's pov.
He glanced at her laying on his bed, her long (h/c) hair splayed out around her from the way she fell. There was no denying she was a stunner of a girl, if not a little naive and annoying.

He climbed over her and could see the confusion on her face, see her heart beating a rapid rhythm as her skin jumped against her neck from her pulse. She wasn't sure if she was in trouble. He could tell she was mentally rewinding the last few days to work out if she'd pissed him off.

He hovered over her and decided that bossy was the best way to get her to comply to this.
"Wrap your arms around my neck." He could see the confusion on her face and just as she was about to ask why he snapped at her.
"Just do it!"'he barked and she instantly complied.

Her tiny delicate limbs wrapped around his neck and he pressed his lips to hers, he started gently but she surprised him when she deepened the kiss herself, winding her dainty hands into his hair and tugging slightly, letting their tongues wage some sort of war for dominance. He used every bit of his inner strength and pulled away with a groan and she looked upset he'd stopped. Good god this girl was going to kill him with that look.

"Why'd you stop?!" She asked breathless and he chuckled shaking his head.
"Because if I carry on any further I'll hit the point of no return and annihilate you here and now, and I don't think you're ready for that yet baby. But listen when I say this, you're mine. In every way that counts." He grinned kissing her once more before getting up and walking out leaving her laying on the bed covering the grin spreading across her face.

Jin walked past him in the hallway and held his hand out as Yoongi slapped a high five on it as he walked past.
"Thank god for that!" Jin yelled at Yoongi's back as he flipped him off without looking behind him as he turned the corner.
"Now if anyone touches her they really are dead!!" He shouted back as he vanished down the stairs leaving Jin laughing in the hallway.

Yn's pov
You lay there on the bed with your hands covering your face, waiting for your grin to vanish before getting up for find Jin to have your stitches taken out. You dash back down the stairs and knock on his door but it's empty. You're about to do an about turn when Yoongi appears behind you.

You feel your face flush red. This man is now your boyfriend. You have no idea what to say. He takes you by the hand and leads you in sitting you in a chair as he grabs some implements and scoots Jin's chair over and turns your hand palm up and sets to work, neither of you have said a word.

He's bent over your hand pulling out the stitches, his large warm hands working your small dainty ones. Eventually he breaks the silence, still looking at your hand.
"It doesn't mean you have to treat me any different baby. It's still pretty much the same as before. My tiger has turned back into a kitten." He chuckled and he looks up to meet you gaze for a second, admiring your red face.

"Sorry I guess...I'm just feeling shy and making it weird."
"It's okay. At least now we're not lying to everyone about it." He replied still leaning over your hand working until he sits up cracking his neck.
"I thought Jin was like your medic man?" You ask observing your hand and giving your fingers a wriggle.
"Well, he is but I'm capable of doing smaller jobs. I'd be a pretty shit leader if I couldn't do menial tasks like this." He replied to you standing up and putting the tools in the blue disinfectant liquid for Jin to clean.

"We need to get to bed soon. We've got to do some travelling tomorrow. Come on." He said tugging you out the room. You feel glad he's taking charge as after what happened in the room earlier you feel shy and stupid. Like your words have left you.

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