You're fucking kidding me?

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Smut warning! ⚠️

You wake up and you feel like your in a furnace. You prop yourself up slightly and glance behind you. Yoongi is still in a deep sleep, his left arm slung across your waist keeping you close but Jesus he's hot, he's like his own sun. He's hot but not as hot as your face when you think back to last night.

"Stop giggling. You need to sleep."
"I'm to happy to sleep."
"Oh Jesus. What have I done" He groaned as dragged his hands down his face as you look at him, you're all snuggled in the blanket just your bright eyes on show in the moonlight as you hide your manic grin with the blanket, muffling the giggles you keep letting out.
"If you don't shut up I'll shut you up myself. Go. To. Sleep." His deep voice muttered, his large hand bopping you on the head with each word.
"Try me Min Yoongi."
"I'm not sure if you're brave or stupid ya'know." He growled ripping the covers off and pinning you down making your heart race as his lips crashed into yours.

You kiss him back and slide your hands up his arms, across his shoulders and cup his face bringing him closer as his tongue gently brushes against your lips, telling you he wants in. You're only to happy to let him and draw a breath of bliss as his hot tongue comes into contact with yours.

This sensation is new to you, your body feels hot, and naturally wants to arch so your body is closer to his. You arch your back, your body pressing against his, his erection prominent against you making you blush a little and slide your dainty hands into his hair, pulling a little and he lets out a low moan which sets off a hot feeling in your stomach and an ache in your groin. You're starting to understand you want this man.

He continues to kiss you in a way that steals your breath and makes your mind spin as his right hand lands on your right thigh and slowly travels up, over your tattoo, over your underwear, under your T-shirt, across your hip, gently up your ribs and onto your chest where he gently pinches your nipple making you moan a little. He pulls away from the kiss slowly meeting your gaze, biting his lip as he does it again, observing your face as he toys with your nipple again, a slow easy grin spreading across his face.
"You make such pretty noises kitten. I'm going to make you sing for me and everyone in this house is going to know what we've done."

His deep voice in the dark gives you goosebumps as his hand slides down your ribs, down your hip, down your thigh and back up the inside of your leg, leaving a trail of fire in its wake, everywhere he's touched tingles. His fingers gently brush up the inside of your thigh and brush against your underwear making you gasp. You've never been touched like this and it's a shock to the system, it feels unbelievably good as his long fingers gently rub up and down and you remove your hands from his hair to his biceps and dig your fingers into his skin slightly as you hold back the foreign noises that want to escape you.

"Let it out baby. Don't hold back on me."
"I c-can't. It's embarrassing Yoongi!" You whine breathlessly and he bites his lip.
"I'll make it easier, I'll help you along a little." And he expertly moves your underwear aside and rubs two fingers directly up your entrance towards your clit making you let out a noise you didn't know could come from your mouth. It was a squeaky whine and it clearly pleased him as he repeated the process again and again, rubbing his fingers against you until a weird hot knotting feeling started to build in the pit of your stomach making you feel tense.
"Ah~. Y-Yoongi it's weird s-stop." You mutter trying to bat his hands away but he shakes his head.
"Trust me Kitten. You'll enjoy this."

You shake your head and cover your mouth with your hands to keep the new noises escaping you inside, untill suddenly your body feels like it spasms and you throw your hands to the side gripping the bed sheets as you let out a loud cry.
"Ah~! Fuck~~!" You yell, instantly hiding your face with your hands as soon as you're able to regain control of your limbs.

"Good girl." He chuckles as he lifts your legs either side of him and takes your hands away from your face.
"We'll be doing a lot of this, get used to it Kitten, stop hiding your face. I want to see you when you come for me."
"Yoongi!" But he gently slaps your thigh.
"Behave!" And you instantly shut up. Yikes.

He leans forwards and kisses you gently.
"Do you trust me?" His deep voice asks between kisses, and you let out a quick nod as he adjusts himself between your legs and gently pushes against you and you let out a stifled groan against his kiss as you scrunch your eyes shut at the stinging sensation as your body tries to adjust to his size and when he feels you relax he slowly starts to move.

You're not overly impressed as it feels like it burns.
"Ouch Y-Yoongi, wait" you say putting your hands against his chest but he links your hands with his placing them either side of your head on the pillow and kisses you.
"Trust me. Relax. It'll get better, I've only done this a couple of hundred times, I think I'd know."
"Hundred times?!" You squeak out and he chuckles.
"Baby I'm kidding. Relax." He kisses you again, gently brushing his tongue against yours as he starts to move again and you had to admit, now you're relaxing the sensation is changing into something quite different. It's nice.

As he starts to move faster you feel that foreign knot in the base of your stomach again.
"Oh god, not again! Y-Yoongi!" You yell as he rests his forehead against yours, his right hand moving to the back of your neck to keep you close as you arch your back and dig your fingers into his arms as the familiar yell leaves your mouth but this time it's different, a deeper voice is mixed in with it.
"AH~ YOONGI~" you yell, tears pricking your eyes at the overwhelming feeling invading your body again.
"Fu~ck yes baby. Come with me." He groans as he finds his release and flops on top of you.


Thinking back on last night you flop back onto the pillow and hide your red face with your hands. You let this violent, beautiful, inked man take your virginity last night.
"I can't believe we did that." You mutter and jump out of your skin when a deep sleepy voice pipes up next to your ear.
"At least it was with your boyfriend not some randomer."
"Holy shit! I thought you were asleep."
"I was but some insane girl is talking to herself in my bed."
"I always thought I'd be in love when I did that."
"There's plenty of time for love later. Get out the bed we need to drive half way across the damn country today. You'll be doing you fair share of driving too."
"Yeah about that...I can't drive."
"You're fucking kidding me?" He asks mouth agape and you shake your head slowly.
"No joke soldier, sorry."

He huffs as he sits up.
"You can't suck a dick, you can't drive, you can't shoot a gun, it's a good job you're a good fuck." He mutters and you throw the nearest pillow at the back of his head but he catches it lobbing it back smacking you right in the face.
"I'm joking. Get up." He grins at you.

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