Its you and your world

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No one sleeps that night, the boys are all up partying till late, looking over the haul of new weapons you've managed to keep. Although they've already been in your possession once when you went to hand them over the boys never looked. Why look at what you can't have?

Yoongi's pov
She eventually managed to persuade him to join the others downstairs. It took a lot of encouragement but when she gingerly took his hand in her bad one and looked at him with a small smile he felt something in him flip.

He glanced at her sore, injured, wrapped hand and felt something in him change. If he hadn't sent her she wouldn't now have this injury. This was his fault, the least he could do was go downstairs with her and join the others. He gently returned her grip being mindful of her injury and let her lead him back down to the very lively living space.

His boys had been drinking and he could tell it was a lot by the topic of conversation and the volume levels at which they were speaking.
"You should probably let go because-"He muttered looking at their hands and she gave a small smile and shook her head cutting him off.
"You might try run back if I do Yoongi! It's important to celebrate with your family, when they're happy you should be happy, they look up to you. You should be with them!"

He knew holding hands around the drunks was a bad idea, purely for Yn's sake he'd rather she let go but she refused and as expected as soon as they walked around the corner and they all caught sight of their joined hands there was a ruckus and a chorus of wolf whistles, followed by some very crude comments.

"If you did no such thing why you suddenly so close huh?" Hoseok slurred with a suggestive wriggle of his eyebrows.
"Because...because..." he watched Yn stutter for a explanation before diving in to help her.
"So what if we did? That makes her more mine than before. And what happens when people pick on me or someone I care about Hoseok?" He asked with a dark voice and slightly raised eyebrows as he let go of her hand, wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gently pulled her to his chest.

"Um, actually, ya'know, it really doesn't matter either way." Hoseok laughed nervously as he dropped the subject and thrust a drink into Yn's small uninjured hand. He let her go and she turned around to look up at him, the sparkle in her eyes starting to return.
"Yoongiiiiiiii! Why would you say that?! Now he'll think we slept together."
"I know." He replied bluntly knowing her next response before she'd even said it.
"Then whyyy?"
"Stop moaning and whining, it's annoying. If he thinks we slept together, he'll tell the others, then they'll stop hunting to take your virginity and you're now ten times safer in this house. You could wander around stark naked and no fucker would dare touch you if they think you're mine."

Yn's pov
You stare at him in amazement, you're not happy he's letting people think you've slept together, that would mean he took your innocence but now, you won't be hounded in the house and can be left in peace.

Everything he does has a reason behind it, and for a split second you find yourself admiring him, it not wonder he's a leader of these crazy boys in this house. He notices your change in expression and gets a gummy  grin and a mocking tone to his voice.
"What? You look like you're falling in love with me." He smirks and you step back and take a drink of whatever Hoseok gave you.
"Not a chance." You scoff and walk away leaving him stood there is a cocky look on his face as you sit with Jin.

"You and Yoongi look very close..." he observes well and you shake your head.
"No, it's not like that."

He sits back lounging an arm across the back of the sofa as you sit sideways and look at him.
"So, tell papa Jin what it is like then."
"You've cornered me."
"So speak up Yn." He chuckled sipping his drink as he watches and waits.

"It's like, we're nearly a week in, a lots changed, I got this tattoo and I'm now officially a part of...this."
"A gang." Jin corrects when you struggle for the word.
"Yeah...a gang, and I've just duped someone out of weapons and hauled the money and the loot home, I sustained an injury and I still feel like I'd happily go out and do it again. But then I know what we do is wrong, and then there's Yoongi. I really feel...something. Maybe like he's an older brother?"
"Sure...if that's how you see it then okay."
"And it's like, it's you and your world and I'm caught in the middle." You finish, deciding that's a good place to stop.

Jin stays silent a moment and finally speaks up.
"I think you're fitting in fine. The whole house has a new feel now you're here and Yoongi's is certainly acting a little different."
"Of course! I'm a girl he can't act the way he used to!" You add and Jin shakes his head.
"You're so young an naive. It's adorable."

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