Can You Save Me?

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As I stepped off the plane in London, I couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. I was finally free from everyone and anything, and no one could stop me. I'm still shocked my parents actually let me move to a different country, especially after the past couple years. But I'm almost eighteen, so I guess they assumed they'd rather have me go with their blessings than running away. It was exciting, not knowing anyone, or even my way around. I made my way to the reception area, and the lady handed me keys. My parents had rented a car for me. I couldn't wait to see my new apartment! Since my father is a real estate agent and my mom is an author, money isn't really an issue for us. Ever since I was little my parents have given me gifts in exchange for love. Instead of seeing them at school events, or even my high school graduation I got jewelry and clothes instead. It doesn't really bother me anymore, but it did when I was younger. At my friends houses, their family would sit at the table and talk to each other about their day. At my house, there would usually be a check on the table saying to go out and eat, or the nanny would prepare something. Yes, I had a nanny. Don't get me wrong because it was nice, but sometimes I wished that we never had money, and we were close as a family

. For a long time, I thought it was my fault that we weren't close. I felt like if I just dissapeared, nobody would notice. Maybe my parents would be glad that i wasn't such a burden anymore. I bet you thought that in school I was the rich popular girl, but no not at all. School was hell for  me. Everyday I was called a slut, worthless, fat. I wanted an escape. So long story short, my parents let me go to London so I could "find myself". 

I jumped in the car, ready for the flat that awaits. It was strange, not having anybody to carry my bags or drive me there. I'm not trying to sound stuck up, but that was just the way I lived. Wow, driving here was so much different than in Cali. Yes, I know. Everybody always lives in California, but there are a lot of college kids searching for houses and flats and my dad's the one who deals with that. As I was driving, I realized I forgot something. I'm supposed to drive on the other side of the road! 

"shit," I said to myself. Just what I fucking needed. Of course I would forget how to drive. Right when I was about to turn back into my lane, another car slammed into the side of mine. I screamed and tried to turn my wheel but it was locked. In just a matter of seconds, my car flipped and my head slammed against the window. After that, everything was black. 

Beep     Beep        Beep 

Oh my god that noise was extremely annoying, and I had such a headache. I wanted to scream and tell someone to shut it off, but my eyes refused to move. Well it wasn't exactly that they wouldn't move, but they were extremely heavy. I tried to move and fidgeted a little when I heard a voice. 

"Are you awake, love," I heard a soft, attractive voice say. Wait, where am I? The last thing I remember was driving to my flat. I opened my eyes, and saw I was in a hospital. What the hell? It all started rushing back to me when I saw a familiar face. Where would I know him? His tousled brown  hair, and deep blue-green eyes. Hmm where have I seen hi- Oh I remember now! He's in that pop band. One Direction? Yeah I think thats it. 

"Are you feeling better, love?" He asked, looking concerned. What is with British boys saying "love" all the time? Not that I'm complaining. Suddenly I felt self-concious as he examined me with his eyes. I felt my dirty blonde hair with my purple tips, wondering how horendous it must look after sleeping on it. 

I cleared my throat, "Excuse me, not to be rude, but what are you doing in my room?" He laughed gently and sat down next to my bed as he explained it was him in the car who crashed next to me. My car flipped three times, and I bruised my ribs badly. He was concerned about me so he stayed here to mak sure I was okay. 

"i'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson," He introduced himself. I smiled and held out my hand.

"My names Harmony, thank you again for staying. You didn't have too." I smiled back, positive my green eyes were staring and that my light cheeks were blushing. He smirked, seeing my blush. Right when I was about to give a snide comment, a doctor walked in.

"Hello Harmony, I'm Dr. Klobeski. Do you remember how you got here?" He asked. I looked back at Louis, whos face was back to serious. 

"Yes, the car accident. I feel a lot better, so when can I be released?" I asked, not wanting to be in the hospital any longer. I wanted to get back to my new apartment, that I havent even seen yet. And I haven't even called my parents yet! They were going to flip shit when they realized I haven't been in London a day and I'm already hospitalized. Well actually, they'll probably be more concerned about the car. 

"Yes you should be fine to release yourself this afternoon, but first I wanted to discuss some scars the nurses have see-"

"No no it's just an old thing. Thank you, Doctor." I interupted. Phew, that was a close one! Louis and the doctor both looked at me oddly, and then Dr. Klobeski just shrugged and left the room. Wow, thanks a lot. I turned to Louis.

"Well, I guess I should start getting ready to leave. Thanks again for coming by." He looked at my like I was insane. Oh god..

"Are you crazy? You have no car, you have bruised ribs, you obviously have no idea how to drive in London, and you think I'm just going to leave you? Sorry babe, but you're stuck with me. I'm driving you home, lets go." He gave me a wink. Oh god...

okay well this is my authors note! I find them really annoying so i'll try not to post too much. I just wnted to say thank you if you're reading this! its my first story on wattpad. and please vote or comment, because i really care about what you think. and i would love to hear your opinions or ideas. thanks xx

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