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She was waiting for her bus. And Jimin was waiting for her to get to her bus, so that he could get a reach to her house.

He was noticing her every move. Pushing back her bangs..checking time on her wrist watch..looking out for the bus..converting her weight from one foot to another..correcting her jeans...

Oh damn...

Those jeans...!!! And those sexy legs being showed from the ripped parts...!!!

Suddenly she looked around. She might got suspicious about being stalked.
Jimin hid himself behind his car that was standing in a building's parking lot.

At last her bus came and she got into it. He quickly got in his car after her. And started its engine. He was running his car after her bus..but his own mind was running somewhere else. He wanted to get close to her. Be with her every time. Anyhow....

But she didn't even pay a single percent of attention to him..and this kinda pissed him off.

The night of his birthday..when he complimented her dress (actually her body)..she looked away and didn't even say thanks. And when she was dancing with him..she didn't look into his eyes..not even once..instead, at the very end of the song, she ran away from him like he would eat her.. raw.

And when he kissed her..she didn't kiss him back..he had to force her to open her mouth so that he could taste her tongue.


He rubbed the back of his neck feeling the heat and desire to touch those soft juicy lips and that wet body..once again..wanted to measure her ups and downs with his fingers and....


Why was he thinking like that?? To hell with her..!!!
He didn't need to think about her like this. He had a million girls who were ready to die at his wink. There were a lot of girls who were ready to sleep with him at his single gesture...

Just then his phone beeped. He slowed the speed of his car and picked out his phone from his pants' pocket. He was expecting a message from Taehyung. And his expectations proved right. It was him...

"I got her password."

He read the message and his lips curved into a smirk. He, running the steering wheel with one hand, texted him back.

"Ok..send me ASAP."

And then put it back in his jeans and continued his drive.

The bus stopped. And his car too. As soon as she got off the bus, Jimin parked his car aside and got out of the driving seat.. Opening the car door so very consciously, not letting her become suspicious again.

She was on her way to home. He was watching her steps. She was taking small steps,shoving her hands in her jeans' pockets and looking forward.

There was a style in her walk. Her taking steps in a line like a supermodel walking on a ramp stage, sent him crazy. He started to count her steps.

She wasn't that much beautiful for any guy to look once and fall for her ( in his opinion ). She was just a little attractive. Plus she had a sexy body, a slim waist with hips so groovy, boobs bigger than...

Jimin.....focus on your work..!!!

His mind shouted at him.

Okay okay...!! Let's focus...

"Only Yours" ||ⓟⓐⓡⓚ ⓙⓘⓜⓘⓝ ⓕⓕ|| (21+) By Mariana ParkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant