Ch#46: You Are My Biggest Fear

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How could it be?
How could he reach to you?

You covered your mouth with your palm, trying to compress that sob that eagerly wanted to come out. Only hearing his sobs revived each and every scene of your memories from which you still were trying to get rid.

His smiles, his talks, his promises, his love; each and every thing scratched the blains of your heart.

Before he could say something else, you immediately hung up the call and let that sob out which was squeezing your heart.

"Y/N?" Asked Luna as she noticed your condition, "is everything okay?"

The angle of your glossy eyes turned towards her and she got that something was definitely was not okay. She got up from the sofa and sat beside you, on the other couch. Putting her hand on your shoulder she asked.

"Tell me Y/N, what happened?"

"He- he called m- me," Your voice came out as a stutter. Fears evident in your eyes. Luna's brows furrowed a bit.

"Who called you?"

"Jimin," Your lashes quivered, thinking about the fears raising in the back of your mind. If they came true? If he really got a reach to you, again?
You knew if he entered into your life again, he would turn it into ashes this time, and you were not ready to throw your life into hell, not at all.

"What?" Her eyes spread in shock, "how did he get your number? And from where?"
She didn't believe her ears if what she heard was really true.

"I guess I know," You gave a slow nod at her question, staring at an invisible point.

"It's Taehyung behind it. I knew he would tell him about me. That's the reason I was resisting to give him our contacts, but you believed him and that brought us to a new affliction. I'm not ready for this, Luna. Not at all."
The volume of your voice went high with every single word. A small mistake could again put you into suffering, not just you but this time your daughter too.

Luna put her hand on your trembling hand and patted your back to calm you down.

"Relax. Don't take it wrong. It's quite possible Taehyung is not behind it." She presented her thought.

"How? I know he is. It's not been even a week that he left back to Seoul and Jimin called me today. Is it not a sign to what my fears are?" You said, going mauve in rage. Seemed like your brain vessels would explode out of pressure. Throwing your head in both your hands, you let out an exhausted sigh.

"Y/N, here look at me," Said Luna, cupping your face in her hands she looked into your eyes.

"So what if he took your number from him? He can't go any further from it. Even if he reaches you, he would never be able to harm even an inch of yours."
She assured you, but your heart kept sinking in the depths of your stomach, thinking about Mona.

"What if he tries to take Mona away from me?"
You worded out the biggest fear of yours. Just the thought of Mona getting away from you scared you to the core. How would you live without her? She was the biggest reason why you were alive till yet. She was cause of your happiness, your biggest weakness she was.

"No way. What do you think we would let him do it?"
Luna shook her head briefly, "Always remember,Y/N. You are not alone this time. I am with you. If he tries to think of any such thing, we will make him taste the consequences. We'll fight every bale this time, together." Pressing your hands in hers, she said with an assuring smile. Her voice was firmer than a rock. You gave her a slight nod and reflected her the same smile.

"Only Yours" ||ⓟⓐⓡⓚ ⓙⓘⓜⓘⓝ ⓕⓕ|| (21+) By Mariana ParkWhere stories live. Discover now