Ch#06: My First Kiss

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His lips pressed against yours.

Everyone's eyes widened.
His arms were wrapped around your waist tightly. His grip on you was so strong. He was kissing you so hard he made you step back..and back, due to the pressure of his body and the harsh kiss, till your back hit the wall.
You were strong enough to bear his strength. If there were any weak girl instead of surely her ribs would have been broken inside..but you were strong. You tried to get free from his arms. But he didn't let you to. He was stronger. Anyhow he was a guy.
Then his hands went down to your butt and squeezed it.
You gasped. He took it as an opportunity and slammed his tongue inside your mouth exploring every corner of it.
You had just watched kissing scenes in the movies. You never knew how to kiss in actual. No one had kissed you before..neither you had kissed anyone.. Everything he was doing, was new for you.
He then did another thing. He bit the left corner of your lower lip. You moaned. You could feel that he was smirking.
You collected your entire body's energy in your hands and pushed him back with full force.
And the next moment was most unexpected for all....

You slapped him...hard
Everyone gasped..jaws dropped to the knees.
His eyes widened with astonishment.
He was shocked. Everybody was shocked.

"Stop them...before they begin the world war 3"
Hobi whispered.

"No one can...she's worse than me when she's angry..."
Yoongi whispered back.

"Well I guess the world war 3 has begun..and Jimin seems to be the worst one..."
Said Tae as he was seeing Jimin's enraged expressions.

was the only word that came out of your mouth as you touched your lower lip with your right hand's finger tips. It was bleeding.

Jimin took a step to choke you and finish the story of your life right then and there but Tae just came forward and stopped him from doing that.

"You are going to pay for this...!!!"
He warned you with a cold stare pointing his index finger at you.

You walked out of the club followed by Luna.

"Y/N...Y/N...!! Wait..stop.."
She said as you both walked out of the club. She held your arm and turned you to her.

"Listen to me....what have you just done...!!!" She said. She was scared of the consequences of the just happened incident. She knew her best friend 'you', but she also knew Jimin.

"Didn't you see..? He kissed me forcefully...!! I avoided his cheap acts for three times..but he had crossed the limit now.."
You shouted at her angrily.

"No one had dared to kiss me yet..." You said trying to control your aggression.

"Jimin is not the ordinary one..he is a dangerous guy in case of revenge..he can choke you on the road...he can fuck you in the public.."
She said.

"Well even I'm not giving my hands in my ass.." You replied in a mocking way.

"You don't know much as he is good with friends,he's worst with his enemies."
Luna tried to tell you the results of the risk that you had taken by insulting him in public.

"I don't give a damn..will see what he can do..."
You said in a careless way. You were not a bit afraid of him.

You then got in her car. She got the driving seat and started the car. She drove you to home.

As you reached your house, you got out of the car. Just then Luna spoke up...

You turned to her..

"Only Yours" ||ⓟⓐⓡⓚ ⓙⓘⓜⓘⓝ ⓕⓕ|| (21+) By Mariana ParkWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu