Ch#55: You Are Still Mine

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The kitchen was again filled with smoke to the point that even an inch distant object was impossible to see. The gravy mixture in the saucepan was crying for me to get it off the stove but my mind was stuck somewhere else; and you know where that can be. The thought of Y/N getting close to Seokjin hyung ripped my heart. The life-taking truth just squelched my entire existence that she was getting interested in that fucker. I couldn't bear her talking to anybody else, let alone taking interest.

The thing that pissed me even more was that Seokjin hyung knew everything about mine and her relationship, still he jumped in between us and started flirting with her. Maybe he's taking false advantage of my gentility,  but I won't let him go any further. I am quiet just for the sake of Y/N; or perhaps waiting for a chance to wring his neck.

God knew how far my train of thoughts would go when a voice dragged me out of them.

"Oh damn! For God's sake Jiminie! Don't cook your meals. There are more than a dozen maids in your house for that."
Yoongi hyung let out as soon as he took a step in the kitchen, making me turn and try to find him in that grey smoke.

"Oh hey, hyung." I said with a faint smile, " What's up? How was your Miami trip?"

"First of all, get that burning thing off the stove. Secondly, I wasn't there on a picnic, but due to my new case investigation. Now come out, I need to talk to you."

I felt my heart race a bit at his last words, because whenever he told me he needed to talk to me there was always a bad news. I got the pan off the stove and came out with him to the hall. I settled myself on the couch beside him and waited for him to start the talk.

"I thought you would be at Y/N's since it's Friday." After a couple of silent moments he said, urging a hurt smile plaster on my lips.

"I was a bit busy today so I couldn't go there." That was all I could say because truth was way too bitter to be tolerated. How would I manage to let it out that she hated my presence around her? I didn't have enough guts to face those eyes that spat hatred and only hatred for me.

I looked away to hide the gloss forming in my eyes. He gave a slow, thoughtful nod with a hum and spoke up again.

"Any updates about her?"

I gave him a disappointed head shake at the inquiry.

"Sadly, no."

"That's disappointing. I thought you would have brought a hurricane in my absence in these days." He said with a small chuckle and leaned his back against the couch.

His remarks confused me. My brows knitted together as I ran my mind to get in his words.

"What do you mean?"

I asked, fixating my eyes on his face. He squinted his eyes and gave me contemplating stares for a couple of moments; and said.

"Either you are very stupid or making a fool of me."

Okay now his puzzles were getting on my nerves. What the hell was that much important that he was taking a million years to tell me and trying my patience??

"Well for your great information, readymade fools can't be fooled more, and these days I'm also standing in your line. Now spill the beans."

I damanded, and he threw his head back letting out an ironic cackle. God knew he laughed at my words or at my condition.

"Okay okay," He said, sitting straight on his seat, "let's come to the point."

I muttered sarcastically; and he just watched me silently for a second.

"Only Yours" ||ⓟⓐⓡⓚ ⓙⓘⓜⓘⓝ ⓕⓕ|| (21+) By Mariana ParkWhere stories live. Discover now