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"Thinking of me ? "

You looked at the number.
You furrowed your eyebrows and typed..

(BOLD: you)
(ITALICIZED: unknown)


"I know you were thinking about me 😉"

"Who are you???"

"You know me very well sweetheart"

"Don't call me sweetheart and just spill who you are!"

"I'm the one who is going to kill you "

*What the hell???*
You just frowned at his message, then started typing...

"And I'm the one who is going to block you "

You really were about to block that unknown person when you received another message from that number.

"Well if you really wanna know who I am, then meet me.. "

"At the beach.."



"Whenever I tell you to.."

"But why?"

"There's something I have to say to you."

" And...Remember...don't let anyone know about it...especially your manager Min Yoongi."

"How do you know him?
Are you stalking me??"

"I don't stalk anyone."

"I have my own ways."

You were so damn confused with the strange number's messages..but at his last words..your mind clicked something.

"How will I recognize you?
At least tell me your name."

"You are a smart girl. You'll yourself recognize me once we face each other.
Bye..have a peaceful night..😉"


The number got offline, leaving you hanging between to see him or see him not. Now this was another headache.
For a moment your mind clicked that it could be Jimin. But then you rejected your own supposition, thinking that why would he bother you now. And he was not the only one who owned such sentence...

*I have my own ways*

But even then...whoever it was, he probably knew something about you and could be dangerous.

*the fuq????*

You were left peaceless. What could it be?? You were not involved in any work against laws, nor did you work with any underworld mafia, then what was that the person wanted to tell you???

"Only Yours" ||ⓟⓐⓡⓚ ⓙⓘⓜⓘⓝ ⓕⓕ|| (21+) By Mariana ParkWhere stories live. Discover now