Pain Has Many Faces

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And just like that, something snaps inside of me. The next key of information. This new guy knows about Y/n.

He knows.

And with that infernal smirk that sends uneasiness down my spine, my simmering anger bubbles up and doubles in amount at the surface.
But I was sloppy, and I let the change in emotion out on display too long. The stranger quit resisting against my sword and rolled toward his front out of the way, letting my force make me stumble slightly past him. I correct myself quickly and turn back to face him, but not quick enough as he's throwing my sword aside like it were plastic, and connecting his foot with my chest.

My shell hits the edge of the rooftop, almost half of it hanging dangerously off the side over the street below. Pushing past the momentary dizziness of his force, I regain my head and relocate the monster. My teeth grit at the sight of his amused expression as he makes his way over. But it doesn't last for long when Mikey gets in his way while the guy tries to run towards me, Mikey throwing a blinding smoke bomb at a robot and causing the new recruit to abruptly stop in his sprint before he could've run through blindly and stumbled over the edge. Instead, he stumbles backwards, coughing and buying me more time. I don't waste another moment before turning myself over to get a quick glimpse of the skirmish below. April and Casey hold up just fine, especially now that Raph's there to back them up, but the battle could still swing either way. Not to mention the dozens of people running away in terror or standing stiffly from yards away and still watching the bizarre scene go down. It's...

"Too conspicuous..."

"You seem to be getting distracted." He reaches behind his back to pull out a couple of throwing blades in between his fingers. "That's how you lost her in the first place."

As much as I'd enjoy staying here and pounding this guy into submission, I needed to do something about the situation below. And quick.

"Keep fighting!" I shout to my brothers before jumping off of the building, just missing his knives. A scream comes from behind my right, where I've landed right next to a man holding a camera phone towards all the action, but who's gaping at me. I can't help but roll my eyes. Those who stay and watch in situations like these just to take pictures are a fine example of survival of the fittest.

I leave him to run off in the opposite direction while I run across the street, ducking and rolling to where April's perched behind an overturned vehicle and levitating Rahzar.

"Ninjas! Come on!"

"Aw, just when it was getting good!"

"We're running?!" Raph yells as Casey and him catch up to us.

"No, we're taking this to the rooftops."

I turn to lead them into the alley, but the new kid's already down here, staring us down. If he wants me, he can come and get me. He reaches to retrieve a weapon from his belt, but we didn't stick around to find out his intentions. Raph throws down a smoke bomb just in time before whatever he threw can get to us. And as soon as the smoke clears and the four of us are transported somewhere else, we hit the ground running. Heading for the back of a closed off alley, we get to climbing as soon as soon as the fire escape is in our reach. Only a split second later do I hear an explosion, and stop while hanging from the building to turn my head out towards the street. I can just barely see him from here: standing before a giant hole he's created in the road; bits of ashes and ember coming from it, smoldering where we had just been standing seconds before. An oncoming car attempts to swerve and miss the small explosion, but skids and crashes into the hole.

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