He "Cooks"

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"Raph, don't let him through!"

"You're gaining, Leo!"

"Mikey, stop screaming in my ear!"

I laugh from where I'm laying across the couch, watching the boys go at it.

"3... 2... 1... Yes!" Donnie cheers as Leo wins the race on the screen, and another point for their team in the small tournament.

Mikey groans. "Can we switch partners?"

Raph glares annoyedly and opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off by the video game playing a little tune before flashing the race time results. Leo laughs and grips Raph's shoulder. "Aw, you were so close to my high score!"

Raph shrugs him off. "You try playing while big mouth over here is screaming in your ear every two seconds. I can see the screen, Mikey, we don't need a freakin' commentator!"

Mikey grins cheekily. "Sorry. I couldn't tell if you could see with that big bulging vein that always sticks out above your eyebrow when you get mad."

I join in the laughter with the others again. Donnie looks at me, still smiling. "Are you sure you don't wanna play, Y/n?"

I grin amusedly. "I think watching is simply entertainment enough."

Raph rolls his eyes at the others who laugh at him once again. "How long until you go back to school again?"

I playfully roll my eyes back at him as Leo lightly nudges him.

"What? I'm kidding."

Mikey twists himself on the couch so he's laying on his side. "Ugh, all this hardcore video gaming is making me hungry..."

Donnie leans back. "Everything makes you hungry, Mikey."

"Yeah, well, now I'm even more hungrier..."

Donnie sighs and pinches the bridge of his "nose" at his younger brother's response.

"Well, you're the chef. Get to cookin'." Raph orders as he leans back in the bean bag on the floor, resting his arms behind his head.

"I don't feel like iiiiiiiiit." He twists even more and hangs upside on the couch. "We're out of pizza and it's gonna take forever to make something else." He whines, but the louder sound of his stomach rumbling drowns him out. "See?! I'm so hungry I'm gonna scream...!"

"Stop exaggerating–"

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH..." He lets out a long, whiny, and very annoying scream.

"Mikey, would you–"


Raph finally slaps a hand over his mouth.

"Ok, ok! We get it. I'll make dinner. Deal?" Leo says and gets up, heading for the kitchen.

Just after he says that though, each of his brothers' eyes widen. Raph pulls his hand away from Mikey's mouth and turns to him as if their lives depend on Mikey making that meal. "Get in there and make dinner right now!"

"Don't worry about it," Leo insists. "I haven't cooked for us in a while anyway. Soup sound good?" He asks before disappearing into the kitchen. I sit up and hear a smacking sound.

"Ow! What?" Mikey rubs his head and sits up as well, rubbing his head.

"Great job. Now Leo's cooking dinner. Do you realize I'm still recovering from his last disaster?"

"Maybe it won't be so bad this time...?" The orange masked turtle guesses unsurely but hopefully.

"Are you kidding?" Raph scoffs. "The guy can't even make toast without burning it and the toaster too."

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