Moving In (Part 2)

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I'm about to close the door and join her when I notice something on the front of her door. Some yellow paper. I peek out a bit to make sure no one is in the hallway before opening up the door a little more. I take the yellow sheet from the door and close it. Getting a better look at the large bolded words, I read them, and my heart sinks.


• • •

Leo's POV

She's getting thrown out...

I sigh. This on top of everything getting wrecked. How could none of her neighbors have done anything about their rampage? Called police, contacted her, told whoever's in charge... anything to warm her or at least allow her to explain herself. It's been a whole two weeks that we haven't been back. Of course, I don't know exactly when during that time they broke in and did this. But surely anyone else living here did. It had to have caused a big disturbance while they were over here smashing everything. Maybe that's why no one said anything... The PD's are barely a threat to us but they are to people like Y/n and other civilians. Rhymes were probably to scared to do anything. And knowing they were targeting Y/n for whatever reason, the landlord must've kicked her out to keep them away from here.

I clench my teeth once or twice. Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and show her... I make my way through the mess of her living room and walk through the open door of her room. Just like I thought, it's torn up in here just like everywhere else. And so is she. She's sitting on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands. I take a breath and grip the paper. "Y/n..."

She looks up at me, but I hesitate. She heavily sighs and sits herself up. "... At least they left my clothes." She waves a resentful hand toward a pile of clothes dumped in the middle of the floor. Most of the drawers from her dresser were ripped out and scattered. She shakes her head and drops her head back in her hands.

"... It'll be ok."

"How?" She gestures to the room. "How am I supposed to live like this? Is this how things are gonna be if I keep living here?"

"I... I have something to show you..." I step forward and hand her the paper.

I can see her reading the bold letters, and registering the two words in her head. She crumples the paper up before throwing it on the floor.

"It's gonna be ok–"

"No, it won't."


She stands up. "Why would it be?"

"Because you have us, you can stay with us."

She shakes her head and starts to walk away. "No, you don't understand..."

"Then explain it to me."

She sighs and stops.

"Please... Let me help." She looks at me and I smile reassuringly. I sit on her bed and pat the place next to me. Slowly, she comes over and sits next to me. It's obvious she doesn't really want to talk about it. But, I guess I just don't want her to feel like she's stuck... I want to show her that even though she lost her apartment she can turn it into a good thing.


"Fine..." She won't look at me as she starts, but continues anyway. "I've lost a lot in my life... And my living situations have always been kind of... unorganized. So when the city agreed to let me stay here by myself I thought things were finally coming together for me, cause I wouldn't have to keep being passed around every couple years to a different foster home... This was something I still had that I was actually happy with. In fact, pretty the only thing I was still happy with..." She looks at me and manages to smile a little for a split second, and I smile a little too. But it goes away. "But now I've lost that too."

"That's why you were acting weird at the lair? It wasn't us but, you missed this part of your life..."

"I love living with your family. It's hilarious." I chuckle a bit. "It'll just take some more getting used to. I kinda got attached to this place..."

"Thanks for telling me, Y/n. I know it'll be hard, but I'll help you pack your clothes and anything else we can salvage." I flash a warm smile at her. "Like I said, you can stay with us however long you need to."

"Thanks..." She sighs and runs her hands through her hair. She sits there for a moment, glancing at me with a sudden, small smile. "Fearless."

"Oh, not you too." I roll my eyes but smile more, happy that she's willing to try to lighten the mood.

"It's cute." She smirks a little. "And I need a win."

I smirk back. "Did you just call me cute?"


"You just called me cute."

"No, I didn't..."

"Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't."

"Oh, yes, you did."

"I did not."

"You did too–"

She reaches for something and hits my face with a pillow. "Shut up and start packing."

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