Moving In (Part 1)

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I sit on the couch, in the lair of course. Staring into space as usual. I'm bored out of my mind. It's been a few weeks since I've been staying with the turtles. It's been fun, but it's a big adjustment... It's hard for me to feel at home in other people's homes. Plus I'm used to living by and barely paying for myself back at home. Being here is like having four new brothers and a dad. Everyone provides for me... I just feel like an intruder. I guess years of providing for yourself can do that.

The guys haven't been around that much lately, occupied with either patrols, training, or missions. It's fun whenever they are around. Just sitting back and watching them squabble is entertainment enough. But considering my lack of conversing skills, I'm usually pretty reserved when all of them are around. Which makes me feel like even more of a nuisance. I'm hoping it's just in my head.

I shift uncomfortably on the couch, having been sitting there for a while.

"Well you just look like you're having the time of your life."

I shriek and jump, slipping off of the couch from hearing the sudden voice behind me. I turn my head around to see Raph smirking.

"... You just had to didn't you?"

"Yep." He helps me up and sits on the couch to the right of where I was.

I exhale. "You scared me."

"Really? I couldn't tell."

I huff and sit back down next to him, earning a chuckle from him.

"Ya know you're allowed to turn on the TV right?"

I look at the black screen and smile sheepishly. "Yeah, I know."

"You can even touch the remote to do it," he says as if in awe wonder as he puts it in my hand.

I smile at him. "I think I'm good."

He shrugs. "Suit yourself. Leo pays me to make sure I'm nice to you anyway."

I roll my eyes and nudge him playfully. "Sure, Raph."

Leo walks in, cutting his eyes. "Maybe I should pay you to stop talking for a week."

Raph's grin widens. "And miss out on all the opportunities to mock you? Not a chance, Fearless."

I laugh and look between the two. "Fearless?"

Leo sighs as Raph gets up and puts his hands on each of his brother's shoulders. "Our Fearless Leader. That's my little nickname for him. Cute, ain't it?"

"Awwwww," I put my chin in my hand, smirking at Leo. "That's adorable."

"That's what I told him–"

"Alright, alright. Pipe down, Hothead. Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?"

Raph and I switch off places as he heads back to the couch and I walk over to Leo. "What's up?"

"I think we'll be able to go back to your place today and see if you're able to move back in."

"Really?" I immediately light up.

He nods. "Since it's been a couple weeks since the incident at Murakami's." He explains. "I'll be going with you of course. Just in case. And I know you're eager to get out of here for some air."

"Oh, well I wouldn't say eager... It's not like I can't stand being around you guys or anything." I say nervously. I hope I didn't make any of them think that...

Leo chuckles. "No, I know. I know. But I can tell you feel a little out place here. You're quiet a lot and never touch anything... like you're in a museum, or something."

"Oh," I shrug, chuckling and fiddling a bit. "Believe me, staying here with you and the Renaissance brothers was great." Leo laughs and I smile. "... I just wanna make sure I'm not too much of a hassle I guess."

He smiles softly. "You're not. And whatever the circumstances, if you're not able to go back to your apartment for any reason, you can stay here for however long you need to."

I nod and smile more. "Thank you so much, Leo."

• • •

Leo's POV

Y/n and I climb through her apartment window after the journey across the rooftops, and we both stop in our tracks. The entire living room has been wrecked. Trash is scattered everywhere, furniture's broken and knocked over. The TV was shattered and laying sideways on the ground. Spray paint covered the walls, one that showed the Purple Dragon symbol... More spray paint next to it reads:

'didn't get are $ so we thoght wed pay you back with some frendly home redekorating of are own'

The idiots can't even spell... It doesn't even surprise me.

Not a single thing was left in tact. It felt more like walking into a war zone than into an apartment... Soon enough, I started to feel angry that they would do this to her for no reason. When I look over at Y/n, she's just standing there, looking at it all. I frown at her devastated expression. This is my fault, I realize. The only reason they trashed her place is because she knows me...

She steps further into the room, still silent.


She shakes her head, looking around. "Of course..."

"Are you okay?"

"No... They destroyed everything!"

The frown doesn't leave my face as I look back around to all the wreckage. She didn't have a lot to begin with, but I can tell it was all she had. Her front door is still cracked open, hanging off of its hinges. As I go over to close it properly, I see her shake her head and walk to her room out of the corner of my eye. No doubt they vandalized there too.

I'm about to close the door and join her when I notice something on the front of her door. Some yellow paper. I peek out a bit to make sure no one is in the hallway before opening up the door a little more. I take the yellow sheet from the door and close it. Getting a better look at the large bolded words, I read them, and my heart immediately sinks.


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