He's Jealous

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Second POV

Walking home, you're on the way to meet up with Leo, and you take the usual path to the alley of their manhole. You assumed Leo wouldn't be out yet since it was only about four and still light outside, so you're walking alone again along the same busy route. Just as you were about to cross the street, someone caught you by the arm.


But being caught off guard, you jump and whip around to face them.

"Whoa, sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you..." The guy takes a step back from you and you realize it's the hot nerd from the comic book store.

"Oh, hi..."

"Sorry about that... I, I just wanted to catch you for a moment..." He says nervously and shoves his hands in his pockets. "If you've got the time that is." He adds quickly.

"Uh, yeah sure..." You trail off and look at his name tag. "... Nick." He smiles kindly and holds out his hand. "I'm Y/n." You say, shaking his.

Leo stands, watching from the alley across the street. Hidden in the few scarce shadows, he'd been waiting for you for a few minutes. And now he watches silently as you converse with the random good-looking guy.

"So, uh, your friend liked the comic?"

"Oh definitely, he's already read it to me three times." You chuckle a bit.

Nick chuckles. "That doesn't surprise me. I never knew how much people loved comics until I started working here."

"Oh, so you don't read them?"

"No, not really. I mean I'll admit, I'm still a huge nerd. Just not as into the superhero picture books. I'm more of a Harry Potter-Lord of the Rings-Hobbit kind of guy."

Leo sighs. He doesn't like this for some reason. It gave him a bad feeling deep in his gut.

"Um, I don't know if you recognize me at all," Nick continues. "But you go to Roosevelt High right? I went there earlier this year."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I was in your Biology class, remember?"

"... Oh that's right. You were the one with all the answers and fancy calculators."

He chuckles sheepishly and looks down. "Yeah that was me."

"But you transferred?"

"Yeah, my parents and I had to move and now we're outside of the district so."

"Ah," you nod.

"Hey, Nick?" Someone comes out of the store over to you two. "Can you show me how the money registering thing works again?"

"... You mean the cash register?"

"Yeah there's a lady that needs a bunch of change for a twenty and I'm kinda lost..."

"Right uh," he turns to you. "I'll see ya around..."

You nod to him before he leads the new employee back through the door. The ditzy girl smiles cluelessly and waves to you. You wave back a bit awkwardly before Nick calls her inside and waves bye to you himself. Once they've left you make your way across the street and into the alley, unaware. You feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind you. But you were already on edge from being scared by Nick, so you instinctively turned around and punched the person behind you. Only to regret it a second later after making contact with Leo's shell.

"Ow..." You whisper, bent over from the pain as it spreads through your knuckles.

Leo chuckles. "Nice reflexes. Bad punch." He knocks on his chest. "Shell, remember?"

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