I look directly at her eyes and said "Neo, Roman is dead. I saw it before my eyes. You can ask Ruby too. She saw it. I don't know where she is right now though. But, I am happy to help you with this if you just remove the blade from this equation." The girl look around the place as if to find someone looking at us then turned to me. She stares at me before she sighs and brings the blade down. "Alright. Now, I am going to tell you what happen but, I have two questions." I said. She looks at me and I ask "First, what is your name? and two do you want the story to be blunt or soft?" She looks at me confused before typing on her scroll and showed me saying "My name is Neo and what do you mean by blunt or soft?"

"I mean do you want me to tell you the story as blunt as possible or do I suger coat it?"


"Alright. When I gave you that parachute I climbed up to see Roman about to hit Ruby with his can like a baseball bat when a nevermore came in and ate Roman in one bite. I am pretty sure he didn't have time to scream. And the nevermore then screech and out came ... this" I then reach into my pocket and pulled out Roman's hat. Neo looks at it and puts her hands to cover her mouth as her eyes begin to water. I give it to her and she takes it and looks at it. She turns it around and looks inside and out. She then looked up and her eyes then went full on water works. She crouched while clutching the hat like her life depended on it. I just went over to the ice cream tube she left behind. Neoplian, odd. I pick it up and I stood in front of her. She looks up and I pass it to her. She looks at it and she puts the hat on her head and started eating the ice cream. The hat is on wrong and I am trying to figure out if I should fix it or leave it be. I decide to leave it be as I sit in front of her. Making sure I don't touch her. She then looks up at me and I turn my head in confusion before she jumps at me, throwing the now empty ice cream tube to the floor. I was worried she might kill me till I notice, she was hugging me, tight. I stay silent as she continues to cry silently on my shoulder as she hugs me tighter. I stay silent as I look around seeing if any Grimm is coming to ruin this moment for her. I then felt her release me and I look at her, also noticing she is shorter then me. She then brought her scroll up and typed in saying "Thank you. For helping me"

"Not a problem."

"What now?"

"Well, I haven't seen any survivors out here so I guess we are the only two in this section of Vale." Neo looked down before typing in her scroll saying "So we are alone here?"

"Yeah. But, I have a solution."

"What do you mean" She showed me this as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"I have a car, we can get out if you want. What happens after I have no clue. But, I have one question for you."

"What's that?"

"Would you kindly allow me to fix Roman's hat on your head?"

She look confused and she felt her head, feeling the hat off centered. She looks at me before nodding. I raise my hand and carefully adjusted it to be centered. I drop my hand and I stood up and I extended my hand for her. She looks at it before grabbing it and I pull her up. I then tell her to grab what she wants and to meet near the entrance. I wait at the entrance before I see Neo coming back with a back pack and cooler, the back pack has chips, pasta, water, and cereal. And the cooler had soda and ... ice cream? I decided not to fight her, scared that me fighting her for the ice cream would get me killed. I tell her to follow me and we kept going to our destination. Beacon. Neo looks scared that my car is at the center of the grimm activity but, its the truth. 

We get to the garage and I close the door and barricade it as best as I could. I then turn to see Neo looking at my car. I stayed silent as I put the supplies we found into the trunk as best as I could. And, I manage to fit the cooler in the passenger foot space, after asking Neo to sit in the chair and I put the cooler in and she can open the cooler at any time and can fit comfortable, as far as I am aware. I then sit down on a tool bench as Neo sits on the hood of my car. I sigh as I adjust my gas mask on my face. I miss my helmet. I sigh then looked up at Neo, who is as silently as possible chewing on some chips. "Say Neo" I said. She looks at me. "Where do we go once we leave Vale?" Neo looked down before typing in the scroll and showing me the words "Vacuco. Since its the only kingdom connected to Vale by land".  I nod my head. I then look at her and said "Neo. The moment we turn on my car. All of the Grimm in Vale will be on us. So we need to prepare. I know you have your umbrella or what ever it is called but you need som-me th..ing range". I say this as she aims a rifle at me. Atlas issued. "Never mind. I can trust you can use that rifle so do we go tomorrow or today?" I asked Neo. Neo looked at me before shrugging. I then sat on the floor as I think. That is until I hear banging. I turn to the door to see it being beaten open. Barely on its hinges is it staying together. Neo and I share no words but know what to do. I stand up and press the button for the garage door. Neo jumps in the car and puts the keys into the ignition before turning it. I get in and I turn it all the way and the engine roars as we drive our of there. Neo gets her rifle out and opens the window and starts to shoot at Grimm horde behind us. I concentrate on the road. I look around the landscape still on fire and crashed atlas ships all around the place. But, they don't look as strong flames when I first saw them. Better think about that after we leave. I kept driving west to Vacuco. I press the pedal as far as it can go. Driving by cars and Grimm coming out of dens and streets. I then see a road block, or at least what used to be a road block but has been destroyed by an Atlas ship. Making a ramp out of the ship. "Neo get your head in NOW!" I said. She then leans back in and sees whats in front of us and braces her self. I kept driving till I hear the sound of tire on metal. i kept driving up the ship and I can hear the metal groaning. And I see ship is moving, back to wear the Grimm horde is. I kept focus forward till I felt weightlessness. I stare ahead as I turn to see me falling. I then look to see Neo clenching her eyes shut and gripping onto the door and center console. I kept the pedal down as I hear the engine continue to roar. Then the landing. The landing hurt like heck. I think my car jumped a second time before landing solid. I kept driving as I see in the review mirror falling apart. How it fell apart I am not sure, I guess the crash, flames and grimm living in it weakened it. I didn't care I just kept driving. We are not out of Vale yet. But, knowing that the Grimm manage to get in, I guess the walls has fallen. Meaning a two way street to leave Vale. I kept driving past Grimm and buildings. I then see the one thing I need to see, the wall, and it is completely destroyed and all is left is pellets and chunks of the wall. I manage to drive through and all is left is a road to the west. To Vacuco it is.

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