A quick refresher 2

Start from the beginning

(This is where it picks up from the previous refresher. I just added it, so you know EVERYTHING you need to know. Also, sorry if you are annoyed by these long refreshers but I do these, so I can keep track of the important details and story myself. And if the writer has to keep reminding himself if this stuff then I know some of you guys (and girls) will to.)

When Izuku gets his results though he finds out that he actually scored 176 points from rescuing Ochako. He then makes his way to U.A. even stopping a car chase robbery. He heads to Class 1-A and finds out that everyone in the U.A. daily is in his class along with Bakugo. Mina though lets a little fact slip about Izuku taking great pictures of spider man and Mr. Aizawa hears it. Aizawa just saved his suspicions for another day though. He then made all of the students have a quirk test to see where they all were. Izuku did very well since he used his actual quirk One for All. Some things stand out to Mr. Aizawa though and finds Izukus quirk strange since he only got it not even a year ago. Mr. Aizawa keeps a closer watch on Izuku. Once all the tests were done Izuku got 1st place. The day ended and they all went home. At secret bar though the same organization that has been trying to kill him are frustrated that none of their efforts have came even close to killing spider man. Suddenly though a mysterious man appears. This man is known as the Green Goblin. Shigaraki makes a deal with Green Goblin to help kill spider man. The next day Izuku makes his way to the U.A. daily to give Momo his pictures so he can get paid. Tsyu though joins in on conversations and eventually Izuku is invited to go karaokeing with them tonight. Izuku accepts. Later during class, they are assigned Combat training. (same type of training as canon except the heroes have to both take out the villain and stop the bomb). Izuku changes into his official hero suit and not his Spidey suit. (his U.A. hero suit is same as anime). Later Izuku is paired up with Jiro and they have to face Todoroki and Bakugo. Jiro has doubts about beating 2 of the strongest kids but Izuku has a plan. Izuku used Jiro as a way to track the other 2. Then eventually Bakugo ambushed them and Izuku dodged with his spider sense. He then purposely got Bakugo mad and was running away from him with Jiro but was running to the bomb. When they got in the room Todoroki tried to shoot ice at Izuku but Izuku dodged threw Jiro at the bomb capturing it and the ice hit Bakugo stopping him from using his quirk. Jiro was even able to sneak attack Todoroki. Izuku and Jiro won the exercise. After that Izuku was getting ready to go karaokeing but saw a building on fire. Izuku changed into his Spidey suit and then went to save everyone in the building. Izuku is able to save a little girl. He goes back though as someone is still in there. That someone though was The Green Goblin. They fought but Izuku was losing and before he could be finished off Goblin gave him an offer. To join him and together they could do what ever they wanted. He then told him to meet him at an abandoned building. Meanwhile everyone is enjoying hangout but Bakugo grows more worried about Izuku since he should have been here by now. With Izuku though he makes it to the abandon building. He meets Goblin there and declines his offer. Goblin then reveals there are multiple bombs strapped to hostages all through out the building. He then one by ones save the hostages and deactivate the bombs. He even fights Goblin to and damages his glider making him fly away. Izuku didn't have time to deactivate the last bomb so he sprayed it with all the web fluid he had. The explosion sent him flying out of the building and he landed on the roof half dead and unconscious. Then the girl he saved from shocker (Mei) found him on her roof. She finds out that Spider man is Izuku Midoryia from Bakugo slipping up. Mei then tells Bakugo to meet her at U.A. in her lab. Mei than takes Izuku to U.A. and Bakugo meets her there. Once they both arrived with Mei and an unconscious Izuku crash landing at U.A they both got to work getting Izuku fixed up. When they were helping him though Mr. Aizawa came to investigate from the crashing sounds. Bakugo quick thinking lead to Mei and him throwing Izuku in the air webbing him to the roof. Then Bakugo and Mei pretended to be horny teenagers as a cover up story of why there at U.A. so late. They had some close calls with Izukus body almost falling on Aizawa but Bakugo distracted him and webbed his body up more. Bakugo left with Mr. Aizawa leaving Mei with an unconscious Izuku in her lab. Mei that night decided to help Izuku and made some better gear for him. She added some new web features and even a new suit.

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