Chapter 25

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"We livin like this fa'eva baybeh."

I rolled my eyes, "We go back home tomorrow Andre."

He put his hand over my mouth, "Shhh, ya talk ta much baybeh."

I giggled and removed his hand from my face. He raised the wine glass to his mouth. I looked at my empty bottle of sparkling grape juice. It was the closest I could get to an alcoholic drink.

I closed my eyes. This quietness would leave once we go back home. As soon as we get back we have Humphrey's funeral. I felt terrible for leaving PJ but he insisted. He didn't want to ruin our fun. After hours of going back and forth, Andre and I left.

Andre wasn't having a hard time with Phrey's death, as far as I can see. He leaves late at night, and doesn't come back until early in the morning. Sometimes I hear his subtle prayers to whoever he worships. He hides his tears well, but I know he's hurting.

Phrey's death took a greater toll on Amarah and Alayah. They are staying with PJ. Amarah has shut herself out from the rest of the world. PJ says she only comes out of her room to eat and sleep. I know Amarah's pain though. I acted the same way when my father died. I've reassured Andre that it's just a phase. Alayah on the other hand is very curious. She ask what happened, and if she did it, and if she could've saved him. She's hurt but she knows that Phrey's hopefully resting.

"Ima go start packin wife. Ya gon come up ta tha room?"

I kept my eyes closed, "I just want a few more minutes in the sun baby. I'll meet you there in twenty minutes."

"Make it thirty and I'll pack all ya stuff."

I opened my eyes and stared at him, "What are you doing Andre?"

"Nothing,"He kissed my forehead. "I'll see ya in thirty minutes baybeh."

He ran up the stairs as fast as he could. I sat up and watched him. He was up to something, but I'm too lazy to follow him.

I closed my eyes again and dreamed of the silence. The world was at perfect peace in this very moment. Everything was working in my favor.

I imagined my father parading around me. He danced and smiled as he watched Andre and I. I knew somewhere he was happy. I knew he was content with where he was.

I imagined my mother pouring the bottle down the sink. She shouted as she watched the liquid slowly ease down the drain. Somewhere on this Earth she was getting better. She was sober, but the world was tempting her. She wouldn't let the world have her. She needed to stay strong for me.

I imagined the shooter. He was somewhere rotting in prison. He was happy about his actions, but upset he let one person get away. He was somewhere plotting his revenge, but reality is...he'll never find me

A cold touch hit my thigh. I opened my eyes and looked at the little boy in front of me. He held of his water gun towards me.

"No water,"He frowned.

I reached into my bag and grabbed the water gun Andre brought. He was a child and insisted on having one. He would never use it again.


I poured some water into the gun. I handed it to him and his frown turned into a smile.


"It's all yours buddy."

"Louis! You can't wonder off like that baby,"I heard a woman shout.

She quickly waddled my way, while holding another child. Someone followed after her, but they weren't interested in whatever was going on.

"I'm so sorry. Louis is going through his terrible twos."

"It's okay. I hope you don't mind that I gave him a water gun. My husband hasn't touched it."

"Jaylen can you please grab your brother. I told you to watch him."

The boy behind her sighed. He yanked Louis into his arms forcefully. The mother scolded him as they walked away.

"I'm really sorry. My girlfriend left yesterday because  her mom is really sick. If she was here I could catch a break or two."

I motioned to Andre's seat beside me, "Sit, I'll pour you a drink."

She pointed to her pregnant belly, "I wish I could."

I giggled, "I'm sober, and a nurse. I would never give you alcohol."

I took a glass off of the chair beside me. I popped open a bottle of sparkling cider. She smiled as I poured it into a glass.

"Thank you..."

"Kathryn Harper, but I go by Kat."

"I'm Selena,"She pulled the wine glass to her lips, but quickly pulled it back down. "Shit."

"Is everything alright?" I jumped.

She sat her wine glass down, "Yeah, the baby is just hurting the hell of of my back."

"Have you tried getting massages? It helps with the blood flow to release the tension."

"I was diagnosed with scoliosis right before I got pregnant. I can't wear a brace because the baby, and I have to wait for surgery."

"What about your other kids?"

"They aren't mine,"She laughed. "My girlfriend had two before me. Ive been playing step mommy for about 3 years now."

"Me as well girl,"I lifted my glass to hers so we could clink.

"How old is yours?"

"She's bout to be eight next month."

"At least you got one early. Jayden hates me and doesn't even recognize me as his step mom. I've tried but I can't get anything out of him."

"Yeah, I wouldn't know how to act with a teenager."

"You don't have any kids yourself?"

I ran my hand through my hair, "I've had two miscarriages already. I really wish I could hav-"

"You will."

I laughed, "You don't understand."

"Listen, I can tell you're going through a rough patch, but I can also tell you'll have kids."

My phone rang loudly. I looked at the screen and noticed Andre's name.

"I guess that's my cue. It was really nice meeting you Selena."

"Fue un placer conocerte también."

I smiled at her spanish. She truly was amazing. I grabbed my things and hurried to the room.

She was right...I will have kids.


I threw the rose petals around. This romantic shit was not for me. I've been up here trying to organize all this mess knowing good and damn well I can't. PJ and Zamia usually help me with romantic gestures, but they're on the other side of the world.

The door opened. I jumped and threw the bag of rose petals to the side. The lights were dimmed, and I knew she could barely see. She put her bags down in front of the door.

"Andre! What's going on?"

I smiled. I pressed play on the stereo. Selena's voice filled the air.


"Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you..."

I grabbed her hand. She cheesed as I danced with her.

"Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight."


"Kathryn I love ya so much. Ya just don't know. I dream of ya every time I go ya sleep." I spun her around. "I'm livin ma fantasy."

"This my favorite part,"She giggled. She cleared her throat. "And still can't believe, that you came up to me and said 'I love you'-"

"I love you too."

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