Chapter 14

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And we're back to current time so don't trip 🙂

Also huge shoutout to ebbyIggy  😭

Best reader ever been here for this book since day 1 so thank you

Also thanks to anybody else who reads 🙂it's highly appreciated

If you have anything you want me to read or look at lmk cause I will ASAP!!!!

Okay enough rambling...enjoy




Six hours.

That's how long we waited to hear anything from Darnell. He told us that Amarah's seizures were so constant that they had to induce a coma. They thought inducing a coma would stop some of the frequent seizures but it didn't.

We learned she had a allergic reaction to something so deadly, it wasn't even sold in America. They pumped her stomach but the poison already infiltrated into her blood.

They got her a fresh blood supply to try and level out the toxins. It worked for the most part. She became stable and her seizures stopped.

"Thank you God,"I whispered.

Andre stood aghast. He didn't say anything. He only nodded his head. His eyes trailed back down to the floor that he was staring at intensively for the past six hours. He sat in the same spot, same position, and same look for six hours straight.

I offered Andre, Phrey, and PJ water and food plenty of times, but they didn't say anything. The only thing that was said to me was, "Where's the church?" PJ left to go pray for most of the six hours.

The reactions showed how deeply everyone cared for Amarah. Phrey stalked the lobby trying to figure out how this all happened. I noticed his hand was bleeding severely. I asked several times if he wanted me to stitch it up, but he didn't say anything. He just kept walking.

I tried to keep myself distracted. I tried to visit patients in the ER but I couldn't bring myself to it, not after I watched that young girl die. She couldn't pull through, and I was scared Amarah couldn't either, but Amarah is a fighter. She has so much to do here and she knows it.

"White girl let me talk to you,"Phrey finally spoke.

I looked up and saw him walking to the end of the hallway. I stood up out of my chair. Andre didn't flinch. I gave Andre a pitiful look, but he still didn't say anything.

Phrey opened up a room door and stepped inside. I put my keycard on the outside so it wouldn't look suspicious. Phrey paced the room once again without even looking at me.

"Did they say what she ate that had that shit in it?"His voice spoke so lowly I could barely hear him.

"They said it was probably candy. I'm not sure. Darnell can't tell us everything yet,"I whispered.

"Ima kill that bitch! Swear to fucking God!"He shouted.

"Phrey calm down!"I cried. "You'll only make it worse!"

He glared at me, "I'm doin what I have ta do fa ma niece! She's like ma daughter and that bitch wanna kill ha? I'm blowing ha fuckin brains out fa'sho!"He shouted.

"How would Amarah feel when you land in jail Phrey? Please just please calm down. The police have been notified and they're gonna find whoever did this to her."

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