Chapter 20

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It's just a week time skip

Last chapter was a week time skip too😂

If it's ever a MAJOR time skip like a month + I will let y'all know

Other than that I just put it somewhere in the story or you'll pick it up in due time



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I watched as Kathryn unboxed Darnell's clothes. This was the first time she touched anything. She attempted to sell the house but she couldn't bring herself too. She brought me along to help her sort out all of his things.

His death took a toll on her. She wakes up early, makes breakfast, and then sits on the couch and watches Lifetime. She barely speaks. If she does it's usually stopped by tears.

"Do you want this?"She asked softly.

I looked at the Hawaiian shirt in front of me, "I'm gon have ta pass on this one baybeh. That ain't ma style."

She sighed and placed the shirt in the charity pile, the only pile. She refused to keep anything. I was surprised she asked me.

"He wore this on our 3rd year anniversary,"She smiled.

She held up a orange shirt. It was a nice polo. She held it too her chest and the water works began.

"I never knew...I never fucking knew,"She sobbed.

I placed my hand on her shoulder, "No one knew baybeh. Ya can't blame ya'self e'erday."

She didn't say anything. She just continued to cry. I wrapped her in my arms. I wiped the tears falling from her face. This was a daily routine for us.

"You know he burned himself? Every single patient he lost, he had tattooed in his skin."

"I didn't know that baybeh."

"He lost over 45 patients. That's not bad, considering he worked in the ER. I hate he thought he could save everyone."

"E'erybody got flaws Kathryn. His flaws were just his biggest fea'," I spoke. "Phrey extremely ugly. That's his flaw, but it's not his fea'. Ya in danger when ya worse flaw ya biggest fea'."

"My biggest fear is never having kids,"She whispered. "That's my worse flaw."

I turned her head so she was facing me. Tears continued to stream down her eyes as she looked at me.

"Kathryn baybeh ya gon have kids. Ya tha best fuckin person on this earth. Ya put ya'self through hell fa me. God gave ya a lil trouble but at tha top of tha mountain is blessings on top of blessings. Ya gon have kids baybeh. We gon have beautiful kids."

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