Chapter 2

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The back of my throat hurt terribly. The light made it even worse. I had a terrible headache, and it hurt to look at the bright lights. I looked around the room. There was a small door.

"What kind of Wonderland shit is this?" I mumbled.

The door swung open. I saw a tall man. He had to be at least a foot taller than me. I couldn't make out his facial features, but I had a feeling he was going to be scary as shit.

"We don't use that type of language here, young lady,"His voice echoed.

I jumped at the sound of his voice. Now I was scared. Where the hell am I? Why are the lights so bright? Who the hell was this giant man?

As he moved closer, I began to make out his features. He was a darker complexion, about a shade darker than me. His nose was a little big. It definitely was his main feature on his face. His long hair dragged down to his back. He reached his hand out for me to grab.

"Come," He whispered.

"Who the fuck are you? Where am I?" I shouted out.

I heard a pop. The back of my neck was throbbing. This man did not just hit me. I looked up and him. Oh shit! I knew exactly who this was.

"Kat! What did I just tell you? Don't make me beat you in the middle now!" He said sternly.

The middle? I didn't understand what he was saying. I looked up at my father. Wow, he's really changed.

Wait a second. My father is dead. I looked around the room again. Maybe I was dreaming because there is no way this dead man just popped my neck. He laughed a little. I guess he was noticing my confused expressions.

"Ok, I'm obviously dreaming. God I don't know what the fu- I mean...I don't know what you are doing. Whatever you're trying to show me please stop. I am scared," I spoke out.

My father wiped the tear from my cheek. I could see the tears rolling down his cheek too.

"Baby girl, I missed you so much."

I pulled away, "What's going on?"

"You're in the middle baby."

"What the hel- What is that?"I corrected myself.

"The hallway between Earth and Heaven," He said.

Wait, did I die? This was crazy. I couldn't believe I died. At least a bitch made it too Heaven though. I mean at least a holy child of God made it to Heaven.

"What happened? Did I die?" I asked.

"That's your decision. God is going to let you decide. Not many get to make this decision Kathryn. It's a privilege."

"So I get to choose between life on Earth or life in Heaven. Daddy, I'm so confused," I said shaking my head.

"Some terrible things happened to you just a few days ago. People are required to make a decision about you within the next three hours baby girl. Your mother has to decide if she's gonna take you off life support today."

"What happened?" I asked in the most worried tone.

He pulled out his wallet. When he opened it pictures of me popped out. They were off guard pictures. None of them had a single pose. I laughed. There was one with me eating a slice of pizza. I remember that day. He grabbed a card out of his pocket. He flicked it open and a dinning room set fell onto the ground. I grabbed my toe. Even though it didn't hurt, I could still imagine the pain of a dining room table hitting my toe.

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