Chapter 11

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2 months later


"It's nice to have you back at work Mrs. Stevens!" Chloe shouted as she walked past me.

I smiled lightly and continued my journey to the next room. Today was my first day back working since the shooting. It's been a hard time trying to make sense of everything that took place. I still have no clue what happened. The doctor said that the memory might just be lost. Darnell said its probably for the best. He doesn't want that haunting me for the rest of my life.

Since then I've gotten a big fan base. I've been asked to do news appearances. TMZ is following my life, and not Darnell's, I gained 700k followers on instagram, and my website is booming. It's crazy how some people just come to the hospital to see me.

I slowly opened the door as the patient told me I could come in. I walked in and noticed who it was. Nurses hardly ever look at first names, so when I saw the face I was disgusted.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"What the hell are you doing here? I requested another nurse,"She scolded.

I shook my head and put my hand on the doorknob. I was not about to let this lady walk all over me like how she used to.

"You might as well do your job since you're here Kat."

I laughed. I grabbed the clipboard and slowly walked over to her. She still had on those raggedy sunglasses. I began to check her vitals to make sure everything was alright.

"Where have you been staying? You don't have a address on your sheet."

She scoffed, "I've been staying with a friend."

"You know patients only do that when they don't want people to find out who or what did something to them,"I placed my hand on my hip. "What the hell happened to you mama?"

She didn't say anything. I shook my head and continued my job. This lady wasn't my problem. I was always a problem to her, so why should I fix her problems? I reached for her sunglasses, because I had to check her pupils.

"Don't touch my face!"She shouted.

"I already checked your mouth and your nose. If you didn't want me to touch your face you would've said something by now. Take those sunglasses off so I can check mama. I have other patients to get too."

"I said don't touch my face! Leave! Leave right now!"She screamed.

I rolled my eyes. I picked the clipboard up. I turned around and started to be on my way.

Don't leave like that

I marched right back over to her and snatched the glasses off. She let out this high pitched scream,  so did I once I saw what was under her sunglasses. This man has truly gotten her good.

"Kathryn! Why would you do that? Give them back!"She cried.

I held the sunglasses in my hand. She had burn scars all around her eyes. I also saw the opening to many bruises and purple spots along her face. I dipped my finger in her water and ran it along her face. The makeup dripped and exposed the dark marks on her face. Tears fell from her eyes.

"You let this man beat you like this?"I whispered.

She nodded, "But he said he was sorry. He said he would never do it again. Next week he's taking me to New York. He wants me to be happy. I'm happy with him."

"You're happy getting your ass beat mama?"I laughed.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! I am your mot-"

"My mother? Oh don't even play that card!"I shouted backed. "You're fucking pathetic okay! Who was there for me when I need a mother? Not you. Who came to Mother's Day events at school when I was younger? My father. Who did my hair? My father. You don't understand. You're far from what a mother would ever be. Don't you ever say that again,"I shouted back.

I placed the release papers on her lap. Lord knows I don't want her to go back to that hell hole she lives in but I can't stop her. I don't care anymore. I don't fucking care.

"You did this to me! You did this! Your father left because of you! Not because of me!"

"You fucking bitch!"I pointed in her face. "Don't blame me for killing my own father! It's not my fault you stressed him! You did this too all of us. You did this!"

She glared at me and began to laugh, "You're so clueless Kathryn. So so clueless," she laughed even harder. "Deshawn wasn't your fucking da-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT!" I screamed.

"He wasn't your daddy! I don't know who your daddy is! You don't have a daddy!" She shouted over me.

I grabbed one of the machines and threw it too the ground. It pulled her down with it. She continued to laugh and shout You don't have a daddy. I cried as I kicked her.

Everything became quiet in that little world. I didn't see the nurses storming in, or my mother's blood spilling to the floor. I didn't see the hospital I worked at. I didn't see the hatred that spewed out of my mouth as I was dragged away. I couldn't see anything but darkness. In that darkness was a light. A light where my father should've been. A light of hurt.


"Look daddy! I can do the floss!"Amarah shouted.

She jumped in front of me and started to move her arms back and forth. I looked up from the computer and laughed. This little girl was my everything.

"Marah, is that all ya kna how ta do?"I asked jokingly.

She shook her head, "Phrey taught me how to hit that woah."

Phrey keeps teaching my child all types of stupid shit. The other day she marched in my room talking about she know how to shoot.

"Daddy! Oh daddy!"

I looked up and saw Marah running around the corner. She stood in front of me with all black on. I smiled knowing Phrey was up to something.

"Amarah what are ya doin?"

"Your best best friend, Uncle Phrey taught me something new today. I have to show you because it's very very very very very very very very very-"

"Amarah Marlin Harper. What is it?"

"He taught me how to shoot."

"Shoot?" I shouted. I jumped up and looked at her.

"Yes! Look!" She pulled out a gun.


She ran out of the room and straight into Phrey. I scolded him harshly. Amarah started dancing.

"Looking daddy! I'm shooting!"She laughed.

Phrey doubles over onto the floor dying from laughter. I kicked him. That shit was not funny. I picked up the gun and noticed it was a toy. Lord what am I going to do with these too?

"Tell Phrey he needs ta stop teachin ya how ta dance. Ya look stu-crazy. He can't even dance himself."

"Uncle Phrey can dance way better than you daddy. You suck monkey butt."

I pulled her over to me, "I suck monkey butt?"I asked.

I began to tickle her. She giggled and screamed to get out of my grasp.

"Say Daddy don't suck monkey butt and I'll let ya go,"I said.

"Daddy....don't...suck...monkey butt."She said between giggles. I let her go. "SIKEEEEE you do!" She shouted as she ran.

Lord this child.

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