Chapter 19

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Sorry for the wait 🙂Go check out my book Graffiti

I've been writing this chapter for days

I didn't know how to finish it but I figured it out

It hurt as I wrote this so I can't edit it right now

Excuse the mistakes.



Y'all told me to start putting more pictures so I guess I will 🙄

Y'all told me to start putting more pictures so I guess I will 🙄

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"Andre can you get up?"I asked. "Pastor is coming by to pray with us."

He rolled over on his side. He opened his eyes. I smiled, showing my pearly whites. He closed his eyes and rolled back over. I grabbed a pillow off the couch and hit him with it.

"Get..."Hit,"Up...."Hit, "Andre."

"Stop fuckin wit' me Kathryn,"He mumbled.

I sat on his back. He let out a loud groan, but I didn't get up. I rubbed his shoulders.

"I know you're upset. I'm upset too. Imagine if Amarah was here and she saw you doing this?"I asked.

He scoffed, "That's thing thing ma'. She not."

"The police are looking Dre. You can't give up hope. We have to trust Go-"

He pushed me off his back and sat up. I fell to the floor with a loud thud. He stared at me for a few seconds.

"God took ma' baybeh. Ya think ima trust him?"

I sighed and got up. He's been this way since Amarah disappeared. Phrey, Darnell, and Andre searched everywhere for her. The police were even looking. Phrey had some of his friends look for her too.

PJ and I spent most of the time trying to help him recover. It was hard because he didn't remember anything from that day. Darnell said he probably wouldn't gain that memory back. He felt like everything was his fault. We honestly didn't know of that was true.

"Can you at least leave? I don't want Pastor to see you like...this."

He rolled his eyes. He grabbed his phone, the bottle of Hennessy beside him, and the 'Advil' he's been taking. He stomped away while cursing me out under his breath.

I grabbed the couch cushions and fixed them. They smelled like straight weed. Andre's been doing heavy drugs since. I tried to tell him to stop but who am I to tell him anything?

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