Chapter 8

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"Ion know who da fuck ya think ya yellin at ma'. Ya needa sit down in this hea ca'e so we can talk like civil adults,"I spoke.

She screamed really loud. I got out of tha ca'e and ran behind her. She began ta throw a tantrum. She hit ma ca'e with all ha strength.

"Why?"She shouted out.

I grabbed ha behind ha waist. She kicked and screamed. Tea's streamed down ha cheeks onta my arms. She finally gave up and just cried.

"Can you please tell me what happened?"She whispered.

"Ion think ya ready fa that ma'. Ya see ya just made a whole scene because ya found out not everyone survived."

"I just...," She wiped her eyes, "I need to know Andre."

I picked ha up and placed ha in tha car. She quietly cried. Ha body curled up on tha seat as tears fell from ha eyes. She hid ha face in ha PINK jacket.

I felt so bad fa ha. Tha incident is just not something she needs ta know. I already discussed this with ha doctors, ha psychiatrist, and that nigga Darnell.

We all agreed that tha events was just not right fa ha ta know right na. I'm still traumatized, and so is Marah. She still wake up in tha middle of tha night.

"Don't shoot!"I heard Marah cry from tha backseat.

Ha body was shaking. A loud scream left ha mouth before she woke up. Sweat streamed from ha forehead. She began ta cry.

"What's wrong?"I jumped looking back at ha.

"The bad man daddy. He came to shoot me in my dream,"She cried.

I got out tha car and got in tha back with ha. I held ha as she cried in my arms screaming. It's only been two weeks. Everything about this whole thing has been killing Marah.

"Did he kill the nurse daddy?"Marah asked.

I looked ha in tha eyes. Hell I don't know. The poo' lady in a coma. It was all ma fault.

"I don't know Marah...I really don't know baby girl,"I said.

"Can you pray for her?"She looked up at me.

Pray? I haven't spoken ta God since...since I tried ta commit suicide. God probably ain't wanna hea from my ass anyway.

"It's easy. My teacher said all you have to do is close your eyes and talk to God."

"Um..I don't know how ta do that Amarah. I'm sorry. Ya can try it though."

She looked up at me in disappointment. I was disappointed in ma'self ta. I just...I don't wanna botha tha man.

"God, please let the nice lady be alive. She only tried to protect us. I kind of need her to do my hair too. Please God. Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pret-"

"I think tha nigga got it Marah,"I laughed.

"Hush!"She glared at me. "Now as I was saying before I got rudely interrupted, please let the nice lady be ok. She was great. Oh and please find Daddy and I a home. I'm tired of living in my transition. Amen."

I kind of laughed. She said transition instead of transportation. Marah was pretty funny fa ha age. I kissed ha goodnight again and went back to tha seat. It was almost three. Damn I might as well stay up. I had some interviews with some news people. They wanted ma input on tha whole situation at hand.

"Goodnight God,"Marah mumbled.


Kathryn wiped ha tea's off ha cheeks.

"Can you take me back to the hospital please? I think they know I'm go-"

Ma phone began ta ring. I looked at it. I had no clue who it was. I clicked tha lil button.

"Hello Mr. Harper? This is Pam. I'm a nurse at Clark."

"Yeah what's up?"I asked inta tha phone.

"We're missing a patient by tha name of Kath-"

"I got ha ass. She tried ta sneak out. I'm bringing ha back right na'"I lied.

Kathryn slapped tha fuck out of me hand. I did a silent scream. Tha lady in tha phone began ta talk as if a missing patient was important. Kathryn hung up tha phone.

"You just got me in so much trouble Andre!"She shouted.

"Why tha hell ya hit me like that? I almost died. That shit hurt. I can't drive na'"I whined.

"Shut up and move the damn car."

I rolled ma eyes. She had such a attitude on her.

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