Chapter 13

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Hopefully this isn't confusing....

I'm going to write about the gap between Andre going home to Amarah going to the hospital

Y'all know how in the tv shows it start off with the biggest event and then says something like "15 hours before" or something

Hopefully y'all understand and if not then

Hopefully y'all understand and if not then

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"I don't want you to leave baby,"Lillian whined as I slid my shirt over my head.

"Ya kna tha deal. Don't ya gotta get back ta work?" I mumbled.

She rolled her eyes, "Work can wait. All I do is file papers and arrange meetings. It's way worse than working at Chick-Fil-A."

I didn't even respond. Some people are so ungrateful. She pissed me off with that attitude.

"Are we still on for tonight or not? I'm dying to meet this infamous PJ,"She said.

She turned around and I snapped her bra. I leaned over and tied my shoes. I had to go pick up Amarah before her school close.

"We gon have ta take a rain check. I can't find anybody ta watch Amarah."

"Andre! Why can't I meet Amarah? We've been dating for almost a month! I think it's time for me to meet at least somebody you're close too."

I glared at her. She slipped on her dress and held her hair up so I can zip it up. I zipped it and grabbed her necklace off the dresser.

"We not datin Lillian. Us havin sex e'ry time ya gon on a lunch break is not datin. I'm not comfortable wit' lettin ya meet somebody so important ta me yet. Marah is ma life, I can't bring women in and outta ha life,"I put the necklace around her neck.

She turned around and looked at me. She began to laugh like I was funny, "You act like I'm some prostitute you picked up off the street Andre."

"I'm not sayin that baybeh. Ya kna I wouldn't compa ya ta one of 'em," I pecked her lips. "Ya gotta stop actin like ya tha side piec-"

"Stop? Andre your so fucking funny!" She laughed, "You sure I'm not the side piece because the way you treat me is like I am."

"I don't got time fa this mama. I'll see ya tomorrow,"I let the necklace fall in between her legs.

I grabbed my jacket. She stood there eyeing the shit outa me. I didn't say anything I just continued to grab my stuff hoping, she wouldn't call me out for anything.

"Call me when you get home Andre,"She whispered.

I nodded my head and continued my way out of the door. My Uber should've been here any minute by now but it just wasn't pulling up. I knew I should've gotten a lyft.

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