Bonus Scene: 1

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This first appeared in Well Written Insanity ™. For my own sake and the sake of new/current readers, it has been moved here.



- Rivendell -

“Elladan, I am not a baby!”

Míril stood tall, a small wooden sword attached to her belt. She had somehow gotten ahold of elfling pants and a shirt, though the brown shirt was a bit oversized on the eleven year old girl. An unamused frown sat upon her graceful face. She stared upwards with determination at the half elf before her.

Elladan smirked down at Míril, “You may not be a baby, but you are still a child.” He looked from the child before him to the armory they occupied. “Tell me, what exactly are you doing here, dressed like a boy?”

Míril bristled again. “I am not dressed as a boy, I am dressed as close to Halbarad- my father- and the rangers as I can be.”

The smirk grew on Elladan's face. “Best not tell your father or mine. Or Estel for that matter. They might have my head!”

“Why your head?”

“Because I'm going to foolishly encourage you.” He knelt down in front of Míril, and she didn't not flinch. Off his shoulder he took the star brooch he always wore. “Here, Míril, daughter of the Dúnedain. Wear this with pride until you earn a badge of your own.” He went to pin it on her, but she stopped him.

“I thank you, lord. But I am going to refuse.” She frowned. “I do not deserve that, nor earned the right, to wear a badge of honor.” Míril shook her head sadly. “My brother earned that right. Halbarad and Aragorn earned that right. Lady Gilraen earned that right. I am no dúnedan yet.”

Elladan’s soft smile grew. “You are more eloquent that your brother ever was. At least towards me.” He nodded and knelt back up. “Very well. I shall help you earn your badge of honor, so that you may stand beside your father and brother and uncle.”

Miril’s face lit up with a large smile. “May I train then?”

“Yes, you may.” He turned away, looking around at the weapons in the armory. “My father gave my brother and I permission just yesterday.”

“You best be careful, Elladan,” Míril smirked, drawing her wooden blade as his back was turned. “I am ready!”

Elladan drew his blade quick as a flash and parried her strike with his own. He laughed. “Come, Míril. The yard is a better place than this armory.”

She followed Elladan out of the armory and into a small section of training. On their way, Elladan called over to Lord Glorfindel, who smiled warmly upon seeing Míril in her training outfit.

“Lady Míril,” Glorfindel nodded to her and bent down, taking her hand and kissing it. “An honor to see you take the field today.”

“Elladan said I could train now!” Her eyes sparkled with mirth.

“Just basics,” Elladan insisted. “We won't even need the sword today.”

“Oh please, Elladan,” whined Míril immediately. “At least let me show you what I've learned from watching!”

With a dramatic roll of his eyes, he nodded. “Very well. But do not be upset when I criticize your mistakes.”

Míril smirked and took up a position across from Elladan. Glorfindel stayed to the side, arms crossed and a small smile on his face. Elladan already looked a bit surprised at her proper footwork, but he said nothing.

It was when Míril made her first few moves and actually managed to land a hit that Elladan turned to Glorfindel in exasperation. “My Lord!”

He grinned, but tried to hide his smirk behind his hand. Glorfindel said nothing, watching intently as Míril stabbed Elladan with her wooden sword while he was distracted.

“You trained her!” He exclaimed, before lowering his voice. “Lord Glorfindel!”

“Your father did not explicitly tell me not to,” was all the Gondolindrim lord would say. “He told you not to, which I assumed was merely because you are reckless, not because of any wish to not have her train.” He feigned innocence and all three of them knew it.

Elrohir stared at him before half coughing, half laughing. “Very well. We shall move on to more difficult techniques.” Then he looked back at Glorfindel. “Unless you would like to take over, my Lord?”

Glorfindel laughed. “Oh no, Elladan. Please. I need some entertainment today. Do carry on.”

Míril giggled at the bemusement on Elladan’s face. She wasn't expecting him to lash out with his own wooden sword, catching her in the torso. Angrily she reacted on instinct and fought back.

Glorfindel smiled with a nod. “I can see this will go very well.”

The Other Ranger [ Lord Of The Rings x Silmarillion ]Where stories live. Discover now