The Golden Hall

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Miril found that she missed most of the conversation between Gandalf, Theoden, and Grima Wormtongue. She was too enthralled by the carvings, the stories all around her. They were amazing, true masterpieces worth deciphering. She decided she'd need to do so at some later date. She was yanked back to the present by a comment Grima made about the "sorceress of the wood" and her "webs of deceit."

Gimli walked forward but Gandalf halted him immediately. Gandalf in turn began to softly him then sing a song*.

"In Dwimordene, in Lórien
Seldom have walked the feet of Men,
Few mortal eyes have seen the light
That lies there ever, long and bright.
Galadriel! Galadriel!
Clear is the water of your well;
White is the star in your white hand;
Unmarred, unstained is leaf and land
In Dwimordene, in Lórien
More fair than thoughts of Mortal Men."

Gandalf then stepped forward and cast off his cloak in magnificent fashion. His white robes projected light off in all different directions. No longer did he lean on his staff, but instead lifted it high and pointed it forward.

Gríma squealed, "His staff! I told you to take his staff!"

Gandalf glared at him and suddenly lightning flashed overhead and Gríma was silenced, sprawled in fear on the floor. Gandalf stepped forward towards the King once more.

"Take heart, Theoden, Thengel's son. For the night is here but day shall soon come." Gandalf smiled. "Better help you will not find. Come, leave this place and look upon the light of day."

To the surprise of the entire hall, especially to a woman close by the King, Theoden stood and began to walk towards Gandalf. The woman rushed forward and took his arm to help him. Miril looked at her, wondering who she was. Sad she looked, sad and yet cold.

Gandalf called out, "Open the doors! The Lord of the Mark comes forth!"

The doors were swung open and the sun shone through them. Theoden and Gandalf stood on the threshold with the woman at the King's side and the four hunters behind them.

Theoden smiled. "Leave me, Eowyn, sister-daughter. The time for fear is passing. I will be fine."

Eowyn nodded hesitantly and left them. The four hunters hung back. Eowyn let her eyes fall upon first Miril, and then Aragorn. She seemed curious about them both, but especially the elder Ranger. Finally she turned and walked away.

Theoden and Gandalf had been talking during the silent exchange between Miril and Eowyn. Theoden now was sending for Éomer by way of Háma. Éomer had been imprisoned for disobeying Theoden and threatening Gríma Wormtongue.

Miril looked at the King and noted that in the light, he did not look nearly as old as he had inside. He stood a little taller and his eyes were a little bluer. No longer did he lean upon a prop, but stood alone and high. He seemed very noble, a true king of men. She wondered what he would've looked like in his younger years.

Gandalf and Theoden were speaking in hushed tones. The four hunters were content to stand together, out of the conversation. Gandalf suddenly spoke louder.

"Your body would remember your old strength better if you had your sword," he told the King.

Theoden nodded. "Where did Gríma place it?"

Soon enough, Éomer appeared, escorted by Háma. When Éomer looked upon Theoden, he downcast his eyes after gazing in wonder at the strength of the man who had been so frail not long before.

"Take this, my Lord," he said, kneeling at his King's feet and offering his sword.

Theoden looked at him and Háma in surprise. "How does he have his sword?"

The Other Ranger [ Lord Of The Rings x Silmarillion ]Where stories live. Discover now