Tragedy of Rauros

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The morning dawned clear, and soon the company was roused by Aragorn who had remained on watch after Miril woke him. He looked troubled, and she understood why. Today was the day; the Fellowship had to make a decision about where to travel and there was no more postponing it. Miril knew she would accompany Boromir to Gondor, so she didn't feel as worried as her mentor must've been feeling.

"Today we must decide what we are going to do," he said, getting right to the point. "Either we go to Gondor and Minas Tirith, or down into the Emyn Muil. Or do we split, and each go his own way?"

"I for one plan to go to Minas Tirith," Boromir insisted. "But this you know already."

There was long silence. Everyone thought about their own path and which they would choose, but none spoke. At last, Aragorn interrupted the cold silence.

"I fear the burden falls to you, Frodo," he said with a sigh and a look of pity.

Miril looked at the hobbit closely. Which would Frodo choose? She could not imagine what it was like being the Ring-bearer. Often she had thought of it, longed to touch the Ring. After all, surely with that much power someone who was good could mend the hurts of the world? But then she would remind herself that this was what the Enemy wanted. He wanted to find the Ring and corrupt its user or pursuer. No one could use it for good. The Ring was evil by its very nature, just as the Silmarils were good.

Frodo finally spoke, "I cannot choose."

"You must." Aragorn shook his head. "For you are the bearer."

Frodo sighed. "Very well. Give me one hour alone to think, and then you shall have your answer."

Aragorn nodded. "You shall have it. Do not stray too far or out of earshot, for I fear orcs may even be on this side of the Anduin."

Frodo nodded and wandered out of sight into the trees. Miril, lost in thought, also stood and walked away, though she moved towards the water instead, sitting on a large boulder that stuck out into the water. She unpinned her new star-shaped brooch and held it in her hand absentmindedly. The others went about their business, some digging through their packs, others sitting and thinking. Sam sat muttering something to himself that no one else quite caught.

Aragorn came over to Miril about half an hour later. He looked tired, but less out of fatigue and more from stress. He leaned against the boulder that she sat on and looked out over the river onto Tol Brandir just like his other Ranger companion.

"I have a sinking feeling in my heart, Miril." He sighed and shook his head. "Gandalf should've been here. He would've known what to do."

"Gandalf put you in charge when he died," Miril reminded him. "He had faith in you."

Aragorn nodded. "I know. You see my heart yearns to go to the Tower of Guard, but I cannot abandon the Ring-bearer despite my yearnings."

Unbeknownst to the Company, Boromir was now missing. Legolas and Gimli walked over to Miril and Aragorn.

"Why should we not help Frodo make his decision? Ease his burden and vote, perhaps," Legolas suggested.

Gimli agreed. "I would vote for Minas Tirith, but if Frodo wishes to go to Mount Doom, I would follow him."

"Indeed." Legolas nodded. "Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens."

"Frodo must make the choice himself," Aragorn argued. "He is the bearer. This is his quest."

Miril turned to where Boromir had been standing. "What do you think Bor- wait, where is he?"

"Boromir?" Aragorn looked around but saw him not.

The Other Ranger [ Lord Of The Rings x Silmarillion ]Where stories live. Discover now