Ill Tidings

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Miril found herself at last nearing the edges of the trees. The familiar scent of the Golden Wood wafted through the air. It was, perhaps, more a tangible feeling than a scent, but it carried through the air like the latter. Whatever the case may have been, Miril took the precious moment to close her eyes and take a breath.


She was snapped out of her daydreaming by a silvan voice floating through the air. She smiled and opened her eyes.

"Mae Govannen! I come in peace." She held out her hands in offering. "I am of the Dunedain and a friend to Lothlorien. Miril Lominzil is my name."

Silence followed before she finally caught sight of the two elves in the trees. In fact she only now glimpsed them as they swung down to the ground with bows out pointed at her chest. Their hair was golden like the majority of Silvan elves. One had green eyes, the other, blue. The one on the right with the green eyes was slightly shorter with somewhat more pale hair and a leaner build. This closer look allowed Miril go recognize the elf as a female. The other was taller, more muscular. His blue eyes twinkled in the starlight that filtered down through the leaves.

"State your purpose," he demanded in elvish.

Miril nodded. "I have come far tracking orcs and fear for my friends who have come before me. I ask only for shelter and rest."

"We know of both things that you speak of," the elven maiden nodded. "For many of our brethren are now hunting these orcs. And the captain of our guard, Haldir, is at this very moment returning from leading a company of outsiders into our great city."

The two elves conversed in whispers. They seemed to fade in and out of view as the moonlight danced on their silver-grey cloaks. Finally the elf male narrowed his eyes at Miril and nodded.

"The name Miril Lominzil is known to us. And you are clothed in our raiment. As such we will allow you to make your way into the Golden Wood to the city. My companion, Halloth, shall accompany you there."

"Much thanks." Miril bowed to the elves.

"Tonight we shall rest further in," Halloth told the half-elf. "A flet shall provide us shelter from the chill air and stray orcs alike."

The two maidens journeyed deeper into the forest by foot. Miril, despite her keen eyesight, almost lost Halloth multiple times in the darkened forest of silver Mellyrn. A few hours into their journey, Halloth told Miril it was time to rest.

"I can see that despite your eagerness to journey onwards, you are tired. Rest tonight, secure in the knowledge that you are safe beneath the bows of these trees. Come, climb the ladder I will lower for you."

Halloth scampered up a particularly large tree and vanished from view. Miril waited patiently at the bottom of the silver trunk for the ladder. She touched the bark of the tree and felt how alive the great plant was. The ancient tree had stood there longer than many an elf. How Lothlorien had managed to stay so well preserved for so long, Miril did not know, and could not even begin to guess.
The ladder was at last lowered. She climbed the rope ladder diligently and reached the wooden flet soon enough. It was placed in the branches of the large Mallorn tree and had a screen that could be moved around the edges to block the wind from any direction.

Miril sat down with her back to the trunk and closed her eyes. She did not sleep right then, however, as she could feel the elf maiden's eyes watching her intently.


The maiden furrowed her brow, "You have elvish blood, this I can see now. How can this be? Elves do not court Men."

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