Begin Again

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A/N: Well, I'm officially done with freshman year of college. And now, I can get back to doing what I love (this!). So without further ado, chapter 77!

As Miril and the twins walked up the stone streets of Minas Tirith having stabled their horses already, they passed a group of children playing. Miril recognized one of them Bergil, son of Beregond. She was surprised to see him here as he had moved along with the rest of his family to Ithilien when Faramir moved there.

"Bergil," Miril waved, walking over to him. "Bergil, what are you doing here?"

"Lady Miril!" the boy stopped along with the four other children who watched in awe as the ward of King Elessar stopped to talk to one of their friends. "My father is here with Prince Faramir, of course!"

"Prince Faramir and Lady Eowyn are here?"

Bergil nodded. "Yes, my lady. Father let my brother and I come to visit my friends!"

"I don't believe I've met your brother." Miril smiled.

"Borlas is my name," squeaked a boy of maybe six years old. "Are you really Lady Miril Fëanoriel?"

Miril chuckled lightly. "Indeed I am. And this is my husband, Prince Elrohir, and his brother Prince Elladan. They are the Queen's brothers."

All the children gasped and gaped at the two half-elven princes. A girl of short stature and dark hair, the only girl of the group, looked at all three of them and blurted, "You're so pretty."

Miril, Elladan, and Elrohir all laughed, causing the girl to blush.

"What is your name?" Miril asked

The little girl downcast her eyes, "Elenya, my lady."

Elrohir nodded. "A good name. A word for the first day of the week in my tongue."

Elenya smiled and looked at him, happy to have received the praise of the prince. Miril took off one of her bracelets and handed it to the girl.

"Take it, Elenya. May it always remind you to speak your mind."

The girl gasped and took it gently in her hands. She thanked Miril profusely before bowing and remaining quiet as she carefully examined the bracelet in her hands. Meanwhile, Miril and the twins bid farewell to the other children and continued their walk up through the streets.

"They are very cute," Elrohir laughed. "That girl especially."

"Indeed," Miril nodded to him. "I am surprised that Bergil is here, though. As he said, it means Faramir at least is here as well. This bodes ill."

"We shall see soon enough," Elladan commented as they walked through the doors to the citadel.

The guards were standing at attention and nodded to the royals as they walked through. The first person they came across was Miril's maidservant. She stopped her quickly.

"Elumeril," Miril said, "where is Lord Aragorn?"

"King Elessar is in the inner room with the Queen, Prince Faramir, and Lady Eowyn," Elumeril bowed to them. "Come, I shall take you there."

The three half-elves followed Elumeril through a hallway and down a second corridor. Eventually she came to a wooden door. Beregond and another guard stood to either side of the entrance. Elumeril nodded to them.

"The Lady Miril and Lords Elladan and Elrohir are here. They are requesting to be let in." Elumeril gestured behind her to them.

Beregond nodded and knocked on the door before opening it. "Sorry to disturb you my lords and ladies, but the Lady Miril and Lords Elladan and Elrohir have arrived."

"Send them in!" Aragorn nodded with a small smile.

Miril, Elrohir, and Elladan went inside and the door closed behind them. As they walked in, they found Aragorn, Faramir, Eowyn, and Arwen all sitting at a table with documents before them. Aragorn nodded as they came in.

"Your journey took less time than expected," Aragorn told them. "For this I am grateful. What news do you bring from Dol Amroth?"

"Not much, I am afraid," Miril replied with a sigh. "They reported that the name of the Knight was Hareth and that he'd gone missing in southern Mordor. He had been sent in with several other companies to finish up cleaning that area out. He was presumed dead."

Faramir seemed very concerned. "Which part of Mordor, exactly?"

"Nurn, near the Mountains of Shadow south of the Sea of Nurnen and the border with Khand," Elladan replied. "I spoke with Prince Imrahil about that."

"There has been talk of other mysterious happenings there and in Khand according to Imrahil," Elrohir added. "He spoke to us about it a few hours before we left Dol Amroth. Apparently recent rumors had started spilling in of odd lights and strange noises observed by men who trade with Gondor and Harad and Khand."

Aragorn looked deeply troubled. "This is very disheartening. We must investigate, I am afraid."

"Send me, Lord," Miril quickly offered.

Aragorn smiled sadly. "I do not wish it, Miril. Your father would've wanted me to keep you safe now that he cannot."

Miril was about to object but Aragorn continued.

"Yet I fear it is your destiny to do this. This is your journey. The Ring was but a side note in the great deeds you will do."

Miril nodded with a smile, quivering with anticipation. She could do this. She had to be able to do this.

"I would ask who you would want to go with you," Aragorn smiled ruefully, "But my guess is they are standing right beside you."

Miril smiled at the twins as they quickly nodded. "You guess rightly, Aragorn. We will not fail you."

"Well you are not leaving right away," Aragorn held up his hand. "You must rest for a few days at least. I suggest you go to Dol Amroth again and trade with the men there who are familiar with Harad and Khand. Find suitable clothing so you are less conspicuous."

"Agreed," Elladan nodded. "We must do our best to come up with a suitable story for why we would be traveling to the Far South and East."

Aragorn smiled. "You will have many days to do so as you travel and as you rest here. Go now, wash and rest. We will bring you up to speed later."

The three half-elves nodded and left the room. As soon as the door was closed behind them she spun on her companions, anger and annoyance written all over her face.

"You didn't tell me about what you spoke to Imrahil of! Why did you not?!"

Elladan laughed. "Because what would you have done?"

"Insisted to ride off and stop it," Elrohir answered his brother.

Miril grunted in annoyance. "You two are exasperating!"

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