Children of Imrahil

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A/N: One more chapter today to make up for lost time.

Miril guided Idril inside the guardhouse and then Idril showed her to an upper room that would be quiet and suit their purposes. The two women sat down at a table and Idril waited expectantly for her friend to continue.

"Many days ago, a lost Swan Knight of Dol Amroth came to us while we supped in Minas Tirith. He drew his weapon on Lord Aragorn and became possessed by some kind of black magic. He delivered a message that I will not go into." Miril paused for breath before continuing. "All you need know is it was a threat to our King. We came down here to investigate that threat."

"The Knights are at our lord's service, you know that," Idril insisted. "I'm sure Prince Imrahil has told you that, however."

"Indeed." Miril flashed a small smile. "They are a renowned group after all and their service may be needed soon enough."

Idril nodded emphatically. "They'll be ready."

Miril bid farewell to her friend and left the training grounds and barracks. She walked up the beautiful path once more, listening again to the sound of the crashing waves on the stone cliffs. She made her way through the city to the Main House of Royal Houses. Instead of finding the twins, however, she found a woman with wavy dark hair in a decorative blue dress and white sandals. She was speaking to one of the Knights who stood beside the empty seat where Imrahil took up his throne. The woman looked up upon Miril's entry and frowned slightly.

"Excuse me, my lady," Miril began, "Do you know where the Prince is?"

"My father is in his chambers," said the woman as she walked over. "I am Lothiriel, daughter of Imrahil. You are?"

"Miril, of the House Feanoriel, ward of King Elessar," she looked Lothiriel up and down. The woman certainly was pretty.

Lothiriel looked at her in surprise. "What brings you to Dol Amroth, lady?"

"My two companions and I are on a mission for King Elessar," she responded, shifting her feet. "Unfortunately we can speak of it to no one but your father. I must speak to him."

"Our father is occupied at the moment," a man said, tall, dark haired, accompanied by another man. "You can address your complaints to me."

"This is Lady Miril, ward of King Elessar," Lothiriel explained to the two newcomers, presumably brothers of hers. "Miril, these are two of my brothers, Elphir and Amrothos."

"Ah, excuse my tone, Lady Miril," Elphir apologized. "I did not know we were dealing with such a distinguished guest. Are you then accompanying the two half elves, brothers of our queen, who are in concert with our father?"

Miril smiled. "Yes, good sir, I am."

"Ah, Miril," a voice said coming from the top of a set of stairs, "I see you have met three of my four children."

She smiled up at Prince Imrahil as he and the Twins came down the stairs. "Indeed, sir."

"I hope they didn't cause you too much trouble," Imrahil smiled with a short laugh.

Miril glanced at Elphir and smiled but shook her head at the prince. "Not at all."

The seven royals stood in a circle and Miril shifted from what foot to the other. Elrohir caught her eye and gave a slight nod before turning to Prince Imrahil.

"We must be going, I'm afraid. Lord Aragorn will be waiting for us." Elrohir gestured to the door with his left hand. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Any time." Prince Imrahil nodded. "Best of luck on your journey home. Give your regards to Aragorn when you see him."

The three half elves bowed and said farewell. Lothiriel offered to show them to the stables and out of the city. Miril thought this was somewhat odd, for a woman of royal blood like her to do. A woman of the House of Dol Amroth was about as royal as one got without being of the House of Elros in Minas Tirith, or of Hurin as one of the stewards. Nevertheless, the woman showed them to the stables as she said she would.

"Miril," she asked quietly after hesitating. "Do you know King Eomer of Rohan?"

"Indeed," Miril nodded to her in confusion. "Why do you ask?"

Lothiriel hesitated again before continuing. "I am betrothed to him in marriage. We are to join our houses together at the closing of the year."

"I see," she nodded. "Well, Lord Eomer is a kind man, passionate and devoted to his people and loved ones. You will do fine with him as a husband."

She shook her head and sighed. "It is good to hear, yet I wish I could get to know him before our wedding. I am set to travel to Rohan in a few weeks to formally meet him, but I am staying only for a short while."

Miril had no idea what to say. She understood why Lothiriel and Eomer were being paired together; it made for a stronger alliance between Rohan and Gondor. With the marriage of Eowyn and Faramir, it was strong, but with Lothiriel and Eomer it would be stronger. The two kingdoms would be forever intertwined.

"Think of it as you are doing it for the good of your people," Miril offered. "Does that help?"

"That is my one comfort, yes," the other woman agreed.

At last they arrived at the stables. Stable hands saddled the three steeds while they bid farewell to Lothiriel. Bruidal was eager to get going as Miril mounted her, and together they pranced down the cobble path and out of the city. Beside her, Elladan and Elrohir kept up.

"I should wish to visit the shores of their sea sometime," Miril sighed. "I caught glimpses of it from high above on the cliff and heard the gulls singing."

Elladan nodded. "I am sure there will be time someday."

Riding down the road that led to Minas Tirith, still a day and a half away, they felt the wind blow through their hair and watched the clouds pass by overhead. Miril could not help but wonder what it was the sea had been trying to say to her. For indeed the more she poured over it, the more she felt that it had been speaking.

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