Epilogue: Part Two

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It was winter in Gondor and Míril was busy cleaning the house. She swept the floor and dusted the furniture. Gingerly she reached up above the fireplace and laid her hand on Maglor's harp. She smiled. Everything was quiet and peaceful.

"Ami!" came a loud scream of anger as the front door opened.

Miril closed her eyes and counted to ten, in Sindarin, backwards, as she heard three pairs of feet pitter-pattering across the floor and into the room.

I will not strangle them, She thought to herself. I love them.

She turned and faced her children. Aderthon, now ten years old, was behind his two five year old sisters, the twins Círeth and Fëalas. Their rich red hair, which had been nearly combed, was now a muddy mess.

Scratch that, she realized. Círeth's is a muddy mess.

Suddenly a laugh came from Aderthon's arms. Miril sighed as she saw her youngest daughter, the two year old, silver haired Tinneth. The little girl clapped her mud covered hands as she giggled.

"Ami!" shouted Círeth again. "Tinneth got my hair muddy!"

Fëalas rolled her eyes. "We were playing in the mud."

"I didn't put my hair in it!" Círeth shouted back.

Aderthon bounced a now crying Tinneth up and down to try to silence her as the arguing continued. He desperately shushed his baby sister.

Suddenly the twins came to blows. Círeth smacked her sister's arm in anger.

Míril narrowed her eyes. Instantly they all shut up, including, to Aderthon's amazement, Tinneth. They waited to see what she would say.

"Círeth!" Miril glared at her daughter. "We do not hit one another, is that understood!"


"Silence!" Miril narrowed her eyes and Círeth's mouth shut tight.

Aderthon was the only one to notice Elladan and Elrohir standing in the entrance to the room behind Míril, curious expressions on their identical faces.

Miril took a deep breath before continuing. "Tinneth is a baby. She doesn't know better. It's only mud."

Círeth's face, red from anger, didn't change. But she nodded, agreeing because she had to. She knew better. Tinneth absolutelyknew what she was doing. She alwaystargeted Círeth.

"Apologize to your sister." Miril told her. When Círeth didn't, she hissed out a command. "Now!"

"My apologies," Círeth told her twin.

Miril nodded. "Now. Go wash yourself. And then stay in your room."

Círeth looked at her indignantly but did as she was told. Fëalas followed her to wash up as well before taking a much needed nap.

"Aderthon, thank you for babysitting your sisters." Miril sighed and took Tinneth from his arms. "You can go find Eldarion now if you want to."

He smiled. "Thank you, Ami."

Aderthon took off out the door to find his best friend. Miril turned to watch him go and found Elladan and Elrohir in the doorway.

"Nice work, Ami," Elrohir teased, coming over and giving her a kiss.

Elladan chuckled as he took Tinneth from his sister in law. "Let me take care of this little monster."

Miril sighed. "Don't call her that."

"You know it's a joke," Elrohir shook his head.

But Míril frowned. "It reminds me too much of the words Ulmo spoke to me at her birth."

They all grew silent and somber. Only they three knew of what Miril spoke. They alone knew of the warning the Lord of Waters had given to Miril. He had warned her that Tinneth's spirit burned too hot. That they had to be careful.

"She will be fine, melda," Elrohir insisted gently, resting his chin on her head and pulling her close.

Miril nodded into his chest. She had to believe that. She had to believe that. As she looked into the eyes of her youngest child, she felt only love, and fear for her future. If she was indeed too filled with Fëanor's fiery spirit, who knew what kind of trouble she could get into when she was older.

"Now come," Elrohir smiled, pulling away from her and rubbing her arms. "My brother is here to watch the children so that we may spend some time together."

Miril smiled at Elladan as he held Tinneth. "It is much appreciated."

Elladan nodded. "Get going you two."

"I figured we do a little practice in the yards," Elrohir told his wife.

She grinned and nodded. Miril walked to her bedroom. After changing out of a dress, she grabbed her sword that lay in a wooden chest, and came back out. Elrohir had already been ready.

"Galmegil is itching for practice," Miril smiled as they walked out the door.

"Good." Elrohir nodded. "I hope you aren't getting rusty."

She drew her sword.



A/N: Alright folks. Thank you for this incredible ride.

This may be the end of The Other Ranger, but it's not the end of the story. Check out the sequel, Return to the North!

Much love to all of you. I hope you transition over to the new tale.

Biggest thanks go to JRR Tolkien. God bless you, you wonderful man.


The Other Ranger [ Lord Of The Rings x Silmarillion ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora