Conversation at Emyn Arnen

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The ride to Emyn Arnen, the location that Faramir had taken up residence in, took three days. They didn't speak much as each was busy with his or her own thoughts. Miril especially was concerned with her own ruminations.

When they finally saw the hills in the distance, they pushed their horses all the harder. They wanted to reach Emyn Arnen by nightfall and the sun was already setting on the third day. Bruidal was panting hard as Maglor drove him forward by the time they slowed down and saw the small city that had been rebuilt. Dismounting alongside her husband, Miril walked up to the great wall and knocked on the gate. A guard opened a small window and looked at them.

"Who seeks entry at such a late hour?"

"Lady Miril, Lords Elladan and Elrohir, and our companion," answered Miril for the group. "We are here to see Prince Faramir."

"Of course, my lords, my lady!" The man quickly undid the latches and let them inside. "Straight on, the fifth house on the left. The largest one. Stables are just to the right here"

"Thank you, good sir," Elladan smiled as they led their horses onward behind them and took a right to the stables.

There they left their horses with instructions that they be stabled and taken care of while they went to see Faramir and Eowyn. They picked up their saddle bags and walked through the streets to the main house.

"Beregond," Miril smiled as she saw the guard standing before the house. "We are here to see Faramir. Is he awake?"

"Lady Miril," Beregond nodded. "Yes he's inside. Follow me."

He turned and knocked on the door before opening it. It was laid out much like the Royal House of Dol Amroth; the first floor was a throne room and the upper rooms were bedrooms.

"Prince Faramir, sir," Beregond called in. "Guests are here to see you."

Several moments passed before the Prince came in from a side room. He looked confused until he caught sight of the newcomers.

"You've got here at last," he smiled. "Come in!"

They all smiled except a somewhat grumpy Maglor as Beregond left and closed the door behind him, leaving the group to speak together. Eowyn appeared from the top of the throne room stairs and she smiled, coming down one step at a time.

"Miril, Elladan, Elrohir," she nodded. "It is good to see you. And you are?"

All eyes turned to Maglor.

"Maglor, my lady." he bowed to her.

"A pleasure, Maglor," Faramir nodded. "Come, you must be tired. Let me take you to where you will be staying. We have guest houses across the way."

They all agreed it would be best to get sleep. Faramir led the twins and Maglor while Miril hung back and walked with Eowyn.

"How is Ithilien treating you, Eowyn?" Miril asked the woman.

Eowyn smiled. "Quite well. I'm pregnant with our first child!"

Miril laughed. "I thought I noticed a baby bump. Congratulations!"

"I miss fighting, it is true." Eowyn sighed. "But my child is more important than my comfort."

Miril smiled. "You will be able to get back to fighting some day. After all, you can help teach this little child how to wield a sword! He or she will be proud to have you as a mother!"

"Yes," Eowyn blushed a little. "I will teach the child."

They reached the guest house not long after. Miril and Eowyn walked inside. There were four rooms on the bottom floor, four on the top as with the house in Dol Amroth. Elladan and Maglor took two on the left while Miril and Elrohir took one on the right. The main room had a large fireplace and a small fountain on opposite walls.

"This looks remarkably like Dol Amroth," Miril finally commented.

"As well it should," Faramir chuckled. "It was designed by the same architects long ago and was recently rebuilt in the same style."

"Ah," she smiled. "That makes sense."

"Get some rest. I will have servants bring you breakfast in the morning. Once you have eaten, come see me in the Main House." Faramir instructed them sternly. "We have much to discuss about your trip, for new information has reached me.

"Thank you. We shall." Miril nodded but frowned.

Faramir instantly caught her expression and, as he was good at reading people, decided to investigate. "Eowyn go ahead back without me. I do have one thing to speak to Miril about that cannot wait."

Everyone looked at him in surprise, including Miril, but they all thought little of it. Eowyn left the House and the other three went to put their bags down and get ready for bed. Miril, utterly confused, left her bags with Elrohir and followed Faramir out into the night.

"What is this about, Faramir?" Miril asked him quickly. "What is the matter?"

"I could ask you the same thing," he turned the question on her as they walked. "You look utterly defeated. Why is that?"

"That's what you want to know?" She looked at him like he had two heads. "I thought there was something important to tell me."

"This is important," Faramir insisted.

They continued to walk, Faramir with his hands behind his back and Miril trailing her feet. They climbed up at a large hill to a watch tower. He told her to climb it and he followed. The top was a beautiful view of all sides of Emyn Arnen. She could even see Minas Tirith from her spot atop the tower.

"Miril do you remember that night in the House of Healing? The night we both lost our fathers?"

Pain overtook her. She felt a chill climb up into her throat, a reminder of what she'd suffered that day on the Pelennor fields. And she thought of the blood on her hands, the blood of her father.

"Of course." She nodded. "I do, yes."

"That day we both lost much, but you came out strong," he recalled. "So what has got you, as strong as you are, so sad and forlorn?"

Thoughts raced through her head. What had her upset? Two things she could think of right off the bat: the death of her father and her unborn child.

"That day, actually," she sighed at last. "My father's death haunts me, Faramir. Does your own father's death not haunt you?"

"Nay," he shook his head and looked out at Minas Tirith far away. "I have moved on. Just as I moved on after the death of my brother."

She clenched her fists. "I have yet to get past the death of my own."

"Well therein lies your problem, Miril." Faramir laid a hand on her shoulder. "We cannot change the past, and we cannot bring back those who are dead."

"I know." She sighed and looked away from him. "I know. But I still hold a hatred in my heart for the servants of Sauron, especially the Haradrim."

"Let go of it," Faramir pleaded. "It will only harm you in the long run."

"I'll do my best," she promised him. "And thank you, Faramir. Thank you."

He smiled softly and dipped his head in acknowledgement. "Not get to bed."

She left with a smile and went back down the tower and back to the Guest House. There she changed and climbed into bed with her husband. Tomorrow would likely be their last night in the West for along time.

The Other Ranger [ Lord Of The Rings x Silmarillion ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang