The White Swan on a Field of Blue

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They traveled for hours. Fortunately, Dol Amroth was almost directly south of them across green grassy lands and homesteads. They rode through the afternoon and into the dark night. Miril laid herself back into Elrohir's body as he guided the horse they shared. She watched as the stars above remained in place despite their quick speed. Far ahead of them, torchlight indicated they were drawing close to the havens at Dol Amroth.

It was just past midnight when they rode into the town. The gatekeeper let them pass without much hassle and they went immediately to the local tavern so as not to disturb the Prince or his family at such a late hour. But when they walked inside, they were surprised to find a familiar face by the large fire, sitting by herself.

"Lothiriel?" Miril looked at her in confusion. "Why aren't you in the Royal Houses?"

Lothiriel looked equally as surprised to see them. "Lords, Lady Miril! What are you doing here?"

"We are here to trade at the docks, but we didn't want to bother your family for accommodations." Miril smiled, sitting across from Lothiriel while the three others stood behind her.

"I come here sometimes to listen to the people," Lothiriel explained. "But I was about to head home. Do you wish to come? I will set you four up with lodging."

They all agreed and soon the four companions were following the Lady Lothiriel out of the tavern inn and up the many steps and paths to the Royal Houses. She led them into the guest house, instructing the guard to allow them to stay on her authority.

"Sleep well," Lothiriel smiled after she told a servant to be sure the fireplace had plenty of wood. "I will let my father know that you are here tomorrow morning."

She closed the door of the house on her way out. They found that each room in the house had one bed, so Miril and Elrohir took the first room on the left while the other two took the two rooms on the first floor at the right.

"Maglor, we will introduce you to Prince Imrahil tomorrow," Miril told the elf before they broke for the night. "He will want to meet you, I'm sure."

"Very well," Maglor nodded.

For the first time in a long time, Miril slept soundly. No nightmares afflicted her, in fact she didn't wake up even once until sunlight began to stream through the window the next morning. She snuggled closer to her husband and he smiled as he too embraced her.

"We have to get up," she mumbled into his chest. "We have work to do."

Elrohir sighed. "I know."

Miril sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes.

"How did you sleep," Elrohir asked her as he sat up as well.

She smiled. "Very well!"

She stood up and got changed into her black tunic and pants, strapping a small dagger onto her belt instead of Galmegil. She decided to leave the sword in her room while she treated with the traders and in the market and at the docks. Elrohir changed into his own dark blue outfit and he too left his sword behind.

"Shall we go get the others?" Elrohir nodded as they both were ready to go, carrying satchels of money across their bodies.

Miril nodded. "Let's."

They went out into the main hallway and turned to find Maglor and Elladan both sitting in the common area by the fireplace, eating cakes and fruit brought by servants. The elf and half-elf turned to see them walk in and gestured to the food and drink before them.

"It seems the Prince heard of our arrival already," Elladan grinned. "It's good food,"

"I'm glad you like it," said the Prince as he had just walked inside the house. "Only the best for my guests."

"Thank you again, Prince Imrahil," Miril replied. "We are in your debt."

"Nonsense. I am privileged to help the ward and brothers of my king." Imrahil nodded and then looked at Maglor. "I have not made the honor of your acquaintance. I am Imrahil."

"Maglor," nodded the elf. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"It is nothing, truly. Please excuse my people if they stare at you once you go out, though. There has not been an elf in this city since the days of our founder." Prince Imrahil smiled. "Well. I must get going. Good luck to you on your journey, and keep safe. Be sure to see me before you leave."

"Thank you, sir," Elladan nodded. "We shall."

Imrahil left the House leaving the three half-elves and one elf to discuss their plans for the day. In the end it was decided that Maglor and Miril would go to the docks while Elladan and Elrohir would explore the marketplace. They planned to meet back for lunch in the Guest House.

"Come, let's go," Miril and Maglor left the house and made their way down to the seaside through many winding paths and steps. "Maglor, for all intents and purposes, I'm your daughter. We're looking for information about Harad because we are fleeing there from a country in the far West."

"Makes sense," he agreed.

She nodded and they walked through the bottom gate out onto the stone docks. She gasped at the sea. She'd been to the sea by the Grey Havens. But that water was often dark and cold to the touch because it was much more north than these warm, clear waters of the south. The water here was very blue and the sand looked white and warm. The stones she stood on were above the sand so that the ships could dock.

Miril noted that Maglor looked uncomfortable. He was gazing at the standard of Dol Amroth, a white swan on a blue field. She wondered why that was. He of course was thinking of the other haven he'd been to: Alqualondё in the Undying Lands. The location of the very first Kinslaying.

"Come. Let's start talking to the ship crews." He finally said and together they walked towards the first boat.

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