Crowning of King Elessar

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The next day, May 1st of the Fourth Age, was to be the coronation. Miril needed a dress.

"What am I going to wear?" she was freaking out that morning and was asking Aragorn. "My battle clothes are hardly appropriate for the crowning of my king!"

Aragorn turned to Faramir. "Do you know where she could get a dress?"

"I do indeed actually. My father kept my mother's old wardrobe up in their room." He smiled. "Come with me, Miril. We will get it sorted out."

She breathed a sigh of relief and followed the Steward up a flight of stairs. Her current raiment was nice clothes, but not nice enough for a ceremony of the magnitude of Aragorn's coronation. Faramir understood this and he began showing her a few choices.

In the end, Miril picked a light blue gown with silver trim. On her feet were silver sandals and in her hair was placed a silver metal flower hair piece stuck in her beautiful braid of brown hair. Elrohir looked at her in awe when she stepped down stairs, followed by Faramir.

"Fit for someone of your lineage," Aragorn nodded with a sparkle in his eye of mirth. "There is no need to shy from your heritage anymore, Miril Lôminzil, descendant of Lord Fëanor, once High King of the Noldor, and Haleth, queen of her Haladin. Sauron is gone, you are safe."

Miril smiled and nodded with a laugh. She turned to the Twins who had also finished putting on their grandest, and now clean, regalia. Their circlets adornered their heads, subtle but still beautiful. Apparently they had brought them with the hopes that they would see Aragorn crowned.

"It is time," Gandalf said, opening the door and beckoning to them.

Miril and the twins scurried out to join the others outside. Faramir processed out next, followed by Aragorn. When the two leaders appeared, a great shout was released by the townsfolk. They cried out in joy.

Faramir, once the folk had quieted, spoke loudly, "Men of Gondor hear now the Steward of this Realm! Behold! one has come to claim the kingship again at last. Here is Aragorn son of Arathorn, chieftain of the Dúnedain of Arnor, Captain of the Host of the West, bearer of the Star of the North, wielder of the Sword Reforged, victorious in battle, whose hands bring healing, the Elfstone, Elessar of the line of Valandil, Isildur's son, Elendil's son of Númenor. Shall he be king and enter into the City and dwell there?"*

Miril joined in the people as all cried "yea" with one voice. She had left Galmegil in the room she'd been granted in Minas Tirith, but had she had it, she would've raised it high in tribute to her king.

Faramir took the crown from a bearer beside him and handed it to Aragorn. But he handed I back. He said that Frodo should carry it to him, and Gandalf crown him.

"It has taken many to receive my inheritance. And they should be rewarded and honored," he told the crowd.

And so Frodo took hold of the Winged Crown and carried it to Gandalf. The White Wizard took it and placed it gently on Aragorn's head.

"Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta!" Aragorn cried out.

Those were the words Elendil spoke upon landing on yhe shotes from fleeing Numenor. 'Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.' Miril felt a shiver of wonder flow through her as she saw her uncle figure crowned at last. Aragorn Elessar Telcontar. King of the Reunited Kingdom. Truly the magnificence of Beren and Hurin and Elendil of old was in him.

Once the ceremony was over, Aragorn and his friends went back inside the main throne room. Prince Imrahil knelt and offered his sword in a formal gesture of humility and service. Aragorn accepted it gladly. Legolas and Gimli embraced their friend. Elladan and Elrohir smiled wide at their "little brother" who had finally come into his own. Gandalf laid a hand on his shoulder in comfort and congratulations. The four hobbits swarmed him. Faramir bowed to his king. Éomer embraced him like brothers.

Miril didn't realize she was crying until Aragorn walked over and wiped a tear from her cheek. They both started smiling.

"Utúlie'n aurë, heru Elessar!" She laughed and hugged him. "Utúlie'n aurë!"

"What did she say?" Pippin asked Frodo with a whisper.

"The day has come, lord Elfstone. The day has come." Frodo told him quietly.

Aragorn gripped her shoulders. "Indeed it has, my friend. Indeed it has. And I am glad to have you by my side this day to celebrate. For this is a victory of Middle Earth. A victory of our people. And you did much to aid in it."

Miril smiled and nodded proudly. "You know I will serve you to the best of my abilities, even unto death, as I always have."

Aragorn nodded and smiled. He beckoned for her to follow him as he sat upon the throne. Miril stopped in front and wondered what he was doing.

"Listen, friends. I have one last duty to perform." He smiled at them. "Faramir, I ask that you stay in my service and take up residence in Ithilien as my steward still."

"Of course, my king." He bowed to Aragorn.

Tha king turned to Gimli and Legolas. "Friends. I would entreat you each to someday bring a host of your people here. Gimli, the skill of the dwarves will be needed to repair the gates and Osgiliath. Legolas, Ithilien could use the touch of the elves to heal its hurts."

Both nodded and bowed to Aragorn. He was not their king, this was true. But he commanded much power and they were good friends.

"Lastly," Aragorn smiled softly at Miril, "I wish to name my ward. Miril Lôminzil, called Edlen, I take you as my ward into my house. Take your place at my side, as your father should have this day."

Miril gaped at him. She knelt at his feet and felt a few stray tears trickle down her face. Aragorn was taking her into his house. It meant that until Aragorn had an heir by blood, she would fulfill that role. Aragorn helped her up with a smile.

"Utúlie'n aurë," he whispered in her ear.

She smiled and wiped the tears from her face. Aragorn brought forth a small, silver circlet and placed it on her head.

"Wear this with pride. For not only are you now a Lady of power in Gondor, but you may find soon that you are tied to the royal houses of the elves," he murmured to her and winked.

Miril blushed as she turned around and looked at her friends, her eyes falling on Elrohir. He clapped the loudest and longest of them all. When at last the room settled down and the people dispersed upon Aragorn's orders, Miril walked over and Elrohir kissed her. Elladan laughed and embraced her as well.

"Congratulations, mellon-nin," Elladan smiled.

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