In the Inn

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"You should leave soon," Aragorn told Miril the next morning as they sat around a fire with Halbarad, eating cooked pheasant and berries. "The Twins told us they would be back at Bree by sundown tonight."

"Indeed." She nodded, taking a bite of the bird's delicious meat.

Elladan and Elrohir had planned on contacting the elves of Hecilion's traveling group by sundown yesterday, and would be at Bree by tonight. At least, that had been the plan. From there, the Sons of Elrond and Miril would ride back to Rivendell, up through the treacherous High Pass, and down the Silverlode into Lothlorien. Meanwhile, Aragorn would remain with his Rangers and lead the party down south to Tharbad.

It was a good plan. A solid one. Miril was glad to be going with the twins; secretly she hoped to pick up Gollum's trail east of the mountains. No doubt he was sneaking around there somewhere. Probably just outside the High Pass. Maybe in Mirkwood.

When Elrond had initially told them their route, Miril had immediately asked why they didn't just go over the Path of Caradhras. After all, a quick trip there and down the Dimril Stair, and they'd be right outside Lothlorien. Elladan was quick to point out that it was almost November. It was winter. They would do well to steer clear of that savage mountain.

So down the Anduin, through the Gladden Fields it was. Miril did not mind this at all. Any chance to visit Lorien, no matter how hard the journey, was a good decision. Besides, it meant more time to spend with her good friends, Elladan and Elrohir.

"I had Gimlon pack up your gear while we ate." Halbarad pointed to the young boy who was attaching two packs to Daeroch. "We've restocked your food and arrows for your bow."

"Thank you." She nodded. "I should be on my way, then."

Halbarad looked at her sadly. He would miss her. It had been a ruthlessly short visit. It had been several months before since he'd seen his foster daughter and he did not know how long it would be until he'd see her again. Or even if he'd see her. Hers was a dangerous job.

Miril got up and hugged her father. She would miss him. It had been a terribly short visit. And she did not know when she would next see him. Or even if she'd see him. His was a dangerous job.

"Take care of yourself. Don't do anything stupid. Or anything I wouldn't do," he told her sternly, pulling away and holding her arms.

She smiled. "Do not ask that, father. You know I can't do that."

It was true, Halbarad supposed. Her propensity to rash action and stubbornness was something she had no doubt inherited from her forebearers, Haleth and Caranthir. What a pair. Haleth had been a headstrong leader of her people, unwilling to accept help from the elves. Caranthir had been prone to anger and rash action, often arrogant and self-absorbed. How they ever ended up bearing a child together, though raised solely within the House of Haleth, was beyond Halbarad.

"Farewell, Miril. Stay safe, and keep the twins out of trouble," Aragorn told her as she mounted Daeroch.

She laughed. "Indeed. Though it is a hard request, I will do my best to honor it! Farewell!"

She took off down the small, faint path that led back to the road. It was easy going from there on out, as there were very few travelers on the East-West road, even the section between the Shire and Bree. But she did encounter something very strange near the end of her journey.

"Tom Bombadil?!"

"Hey there, merry dol! I haven't seen you in some time, young lady!" said the man with the big hat. He was leading five ponies behind him while sat atop his own.

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